Overall, E3 was pretty meh this year. There are a few games I'm really looking forward to, however (Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, The Last of Us, Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario, Watch Dogs, ZombiU, etc.). Here's how I rank the conferences this year:
After beating it, overall, I think Ep. II is slightly better than episode I. In Ep. II, the levels that are good are REALLY good, but the levels that aren't good are pretty damn bad. With the exception of the Metal Sonic fight in White Park, I don't like any of the bosses, the music is unmemorable, and some of the levels just drag on for too long *looks at Sky Fortress Act 1*. Despite it's major flaws, the graphics are MUCH better than they were in Ep. I, and the physics engine has improved over the fisrt episode as well. Again, I think Ep. II is better than Ep. I, but not by very much.
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