im a little confused cuz i went on to the wii friends sticky and added some people but how come i cant talk to those people. on the adress bar it shows their name as like a grey and not black soooo do they need to add me too?
You might want to just stop posting in this thread. You might want to go back to school and read a book for once. Yup. Most people don't know that Israel was a nation long before Islam even existed. Are you familiar with the term diaspora? You see, after the Roman invasion of Filistine, the Jews were scattered. Arabs had of course been there, that being their native land, and Jews were originally Arabs as well, however were given a distinctly different ethnic identity both by the diaspora and by religion and culture. Arabs have been there for hundreds and hundreds of years and it seems silly that the Jews should want it back after something like 2,000 years. :lol: the arabs originate from the arabian peninsula......-they moved in the the rest of the middle east during the great arabian invasion...jews are not arabs-egyptians were not arabs there were no arabs in the area of israel when the roman empire conquered it... Yeah WTF we are not arabs nor egyptians... Which entirely contradicts the story of Exodus. wow this is like a huge quote-on-quote-on...
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