Hey guys, lately I've been really wanting to play a good old fashioned RPG. I have some games that I never played through despite the fact that I'm a RPG fan. I have Chrono Cross, Radiata Stories, FF Tactics, and Breath of Fire IV that I never got around to giving a fair shot. I'm leaning towards Chrono Cross but I just want to hear some other opinions about these four games. Thanks!
0diN_7's forum posts
To me, it's not necessary. It takes away from the experience sometimes. It makes the image blurry if you aren't looking at it just right and in most games it's a useless feature.
[QUOTE="enz2"]I'm 12+ hrs into the game and I'm struggling to stay keen on the game. Kind of a shock really, as Im fond of level 5 games... dark cloud, rogue galaxy, dragon quest viii and white knight chronicles all awesome games. But this game really surprises me of my lack of interest. Why did this game get so much hype anyway? Whereas the other level 5 games are all underrated and to me are like hidden gems. Still have mixed thoughts on it, but definitely overrated I'd say. I think it's the combat and ai uselessness that's ruining the experience for me. Fans of level 5... How'd you find ni no kuni compared to the previous level 5 games?glitch2424
THANKYOU - finally, someone that gets it.
I agree with all of the points you gave above. This is definitely a SLIGHTLY overrated game (my HIGHEST score I would give it is an 8.5, and that's being a bit generous).
It seems like people were just starved for a good JRPG, and they just took and gave praise to whatever game that was visually-well executed (yet not engaging) and that fit the bill of "RPG-made-in-Japan". Do yourself a favour folks, and play DQ8 or Xenoblade chronicles, which are JRPGs that are more engaging and have superior gameplay to NNK. Just a suggestion, before anyone else labels NNK their "GOTY" or "Best game this gen", which happened alot to MGS4 when it came out ironically -_-"
It's really a matter of opinion. Don't talk like there's some concealed truth here. I loved xenoblade and dq8 but I like ni no kuni better.I heard they will announce FF7 remake exclusive for the Wii U at this year's E3. Should be a blast! Kjranu
Ya and it's going to offer a huge secret where you can revive Aeries too right?
This topic sucks. I'm so sick of Christian nonsense. You cannot reason with a religious person. These types of things never cover any ground.
Hopefully This will be good news for us about Bavely Default. IDK we'll see.
I listen to ESPN radio on the way to and home from work everyday and what I've gathered from that is, Ray Lewis has tested positive for a banned drug. Apparently, It's a PED though Lewis claims it came from a spray he was using to treat his torn tricep, which was derived from deer antlers. Also, he has yet to be suspended even though anyone suspected of using PEDs is supposed to be immediately suspended. Is this due to the fact that the super bowl is so close? What's your take on all of this? Is he guilty of doping and should he be suspended? If I have any wrong information feel free to correct me and if there's anymore information relating to this topic that I don't know then please share.
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