K concerning Twilight Princess and I know I'm going to get flamed by fanboys for this but it wasn't that great & that's looking passed that its not really a next generation game, keep in mined I've been a Zelda fan for years.
"The Linear Adventures of Goody Too Shoes" or TP I'd only give a 6-7 out of 10 it was ok but nothing special or new, it was enough to make fanboys rave and hype it up but that's it. You can only save the girl from the same railroad tracks the same way so many times before it gets boring and it seems the Zelda series seems to be unwilling to change.
What needs to happen is simple they need to step away from the golden boy who does nothing wrong and is flawless. Darker Heroes or Heroes with at least some flaws are just more interesting to me this needs to happen to Link or at least have the option of it happening, he doesn't need to always like or want to do the right thing.
I prefer a Darker Hero or at least an option to be Darker more Evil etc. I would like to see an option to be a Dark Link or options and choices that would turn you one way or the other + he looks better in black IMO and could use a bit more of a bad boy Attitude.
It might be an idea as to also give options on how you start who says you have to be someone from Hyrule and the plot where he starts out as a peaceful farm boy life and latter learns he's the legendary hero has become predictable and boring, in traditional Zelda games you get to make up a name anyway this is just stretching the idea.
Enough with the stupid kid Quests This one has really been a pet peeve for years guy goes from doing so dangers monster killing quest to happy go lucky kid picking up chickens WTF? How about giving me a choice like beating someone up for money robbing someone or actually killing some bandits or something and there's always the classic Baldur's Gate response "Just give it to me or I'll kill you" instead of chicken collecting? Now before you start ranting that's not Zelda play something else, TP was rated T for Teen and a lot of Teen games have that sort of material and if you're going to make a Teen game might as well make it an actual Teen IMO.
Weapon system - Shields are gay give me an option to dual wield swords
Armor - He really needs to lose the night cap for realz no matter how cool they try and make it look it just doesn't fly anymore. Also again he looks better in black.
A while ago I would have agreed but think about it. If you want to play as a "dark" hero and whatever go play fable, or something else. Zelda has its own charm and regardless of how dark link's character is or how good the story is I still love Zelda. Take Wind waker, it doesnt have much of a story but the way they played out the interactions and facial expressions made me like the characters.
Seriously, what is it with this dark link crap, it sounds fine on paper and if you only own a nintendo wii but come on. Zelda needs new gameplay features, not a dark story. Good stories dont have to be dark. Also the game you just described does sound fine, but it would be straying away from the core Zelda formula.
Im not saying that there has to be the same Dungeon, item, boss thing again in the next one. IM saying the core of Zelda is its puzzle solving. If you want options go and play an rpg.
Look at what they did with SMG. They took the core platforming elements of mario and turned it into something new. Yes your essentially doing the same thing but its masked and integrated behind a new layer of gameplay features.
And dude, some things just should not be messed with, like link's costume
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