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1076751's forum posts
Forget everything you know and get the Valve pack ASAP.
Half life: Source - Play this first and Learn about HL universe and why Gordon Freeman is so awesome
Half life: Opposing Force - Play as the solider from a different point of view
Half life: Blue Shift - Play as the security officer from a different point of view
Half life 2 - Best game ever
Half life 2: Episode 1 - continue the epic story
Half life 2: Episode 2 - play this and hate Vavle for not making Half life 3 sonner
When you are done, buy acrowbar from your local hardware store.
Picked up this game from the Steam sale for $4.99 a few days ago
This is one of the best game I've played, runs extremely good on max settings (Average 120FPS) and the semi cel shaded graphic looks really pretty.
It's a game I can relax, explore and never worry about dying or restarting a check point. The control is the best part, it's so good and smooth, it's so much easier to control than Assassin's greed series. In fact, the control is perfection it's on par with PS3's Uncharted 2.
Combat is pretty fun too since there's amazing amount of combos you can try out, since you can't die in this game you can experiment with all kinds of crazy combos. The acrobat air combo looks epic and feels extremely satisfying when you pulled it off.
It's basically just an adventure 3D platformer but a very fun one. I highly recommend this game.
Why don't you go outside and run around, play some basketball, swim in the pool/lake/ocean? Start eating healthy and go to the gym. Spend more time with your family and friends. Go camping, go to a national park for a day or more. Try cannabis.
In all seriousness, your the one who makes your life interesting or boring. Video games are fun, but they cannot substitute for the mental and physical stimulation your body needs by going outside and doing things.
If you think your life is boring or bland, think about the millions who cannot play video games, have to work since they were kids, live in extreme poverty, live with warfare and loss of family at a young age, those who probably wont ever live past 6. You honestly have a chance to do something in your life that unfortunately many others dont have. If you put everything into perspective youll realize all your "problems" are very petty.
This pretty sums it up.
My Spec:
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.5Ghz
4Gb DDR 800
2x Ati Radeon HD 6870 in crossfire
Windows 7 64 bit
Native res: 1680x1050
Ans yes this POS runs Crysis on max and mantain a 60+ FPS.
Some games are just crappy console port, even at $5 that are not worth it.
I got a bunch of games from the sale and a few of them ran like absolute crap, I regret buying them. I am using the original Crysis and Crysis 2 as standard because my PC can run them at max setting and the FPS never gets below 60.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 w/ Vietnam pack
The single player campaign runs perfectly fine, I never get below 60FPS on the max setting but the multiplayer suck donkey balls. Even if I set the settings to low and reduce the res the game is choppy as hell, the fps will drop to below 20 some time it's unplayable. The Vietnam expansion runs a little better but still crap. I played this on the PS3 and it's very stable at 30FPS no matter how many people or action is on the screen...
Grand Theft Auto IV
Setting the res and detail level doesn't change the FPS at all! This POS pisses me off. I had to spent 2 hours reading forums and downloading custom patch to fix it. Now I finally got the game to run stable at high setting and getting 45-50 FPS. It just pisses me off that the game doesn't work right out of the box. The liberty city episode runs a little smoother but still require tons of hotfix and custom patch.
Assassin's Creed II
runs choppy and the control sucks unless you are using a Xbox 360 controller otherwise the game is frustrating.
The worst part? Games for windows live. This POS suck so much it made me rage. **** you Microsoft and your ****ty service! If I don't connect to the internet, it won't let me save the game. So I tried to login and it forced me to update to the latest live version but the update failed and won't let me update, and it won't let me save the game and it ****ing send me warnings every few minutes. The faq and help page is useless. So basically I paid for a game but I can't play it because of games for windows live. Seriously? Now I understand why people pirate games. Just to avoid this kind of bullsh**
Farcry 2 was fun for a while. The game force you to get malaria medicine one in a while and it can be annoying.
If you were dissapointed by this summer sale then I don't think you like video games. Don't play it.
Amnesia for me!!!!! This game is scary good!!!
Anyone wanna take a guess on what's on sale for upcoming day 9? lol
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