Considering Desmond's fate they can reset any place any time. But if they continue toward modern day I would like to see their take on early 20th century Russia. Perhaps a bit to recent though.
Great review Kevin. So far playing with Japanese audio and my only complaint is the counter system, which the game deems "optional" but is so not if you want to keep your mana topped off without popping pots.
@endorbr agreed but religious folks say one is bad and prob dont know what the other is US will be among the last of the developed nations to see widespread augmentation of any sort
Imo Mass Effect has never been a work of art if anything it has been an experiment of how to cave to mass market appeal evolving a SciFi RPG franchise into a "rpg" shooter in order to make more money. I remain hopeful that this is the influence of EA (loved ME1 and DA: Origins) On my earlier point It makes complete sense they would retcon any number of things to sell more $10 DLC's until they announce ME 4. Hey but its the free market. you can complain about the game as much as you want but until the rules change the market will ultimately drive decision. By that point Mass Effect is not art. Art is free of market influences
10finalfantasy's comments