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13thGuards Blog

number VIII

oh, it is cold here, so cold. The daytime temperatures have been below 15 degrees for more than a week now, and that's not counting windchill. And this is Kansas, so there's always wind. The river is frozen solid and the streets are a disaster. i like cold weather, but i hope it warms up soon already. I don't think I've ever seen it this cold for so long before.

Well, I noticed Bioshock 2 comes out on the anniversery of Dad's death, Feb 9th, coincidence? Either way, it went better than I thought it might, all thigns considered.

Yeah, I got the original Trauma Center: Under the Knife, which is for DS, while Trauma center second opinion for Wii is an expanded remake of Trauma Center: Under the Knife. I was pretty disapoointed that my copy of that game didn't work, but I got Spirit Tracks in its place, so I'll live. Yeah, Fable II was good, but I did feel that the ending left a little to be desired. Especially since I chose the path of sacrifice so my dog was permanently gone. and come on, you practically play that game for the dog, so what's the point of playing without him?

This first quarter is looking good for games, for me anyway. I'll defintiely be getting Bioshock 2 and Final Fantasy XIII. MEtro 2033 is on my list as well, along with maybe Splinter Cell Conviction. Sands of Destruction comes out tomorrow, though I have no money. I'm really interested in Infinite Space, but that one still doesn't come out for a bit yet.

Borderlands has been keeping me occupied for the time being. I beat zombie island. It was good, but the same as Fable II it seemed, there doesn't seem to be massive reason to go back once you've beat it. not to mention Dr. Ned did not seem particularly difficult in either of his forms. in the main game though, i managed to find this insanely powerful fire repeater, which has turned into my ultimate secret weapon.

but yeah! Did you see? a bunch of characters were released as DLC for Disgaea 2 PSP! I downloaded Plenair and Princess Sapphire, and even better, they were FREE! now, there are some other characters, including Almaz and chcaracters from phantom brave and makai kingdom, but you have to pay for those. hopefully a priere will come up soon? or wait, i think she's already in the game... except, I haven't been able to try these characters yet because i'm stuck in the item world...feh... and what do felonys even do in the first place? I got to the part in the story where tink was supposed to get a felony, but i sent my green mage through the portal first and she got the felony isntead.

I'm back at college now, class starts tomorrow...but, my schedule isn't as bad as it was last semester. only have one class tomorrow, Survey of Tolkien, and reading LOTR certainly doesn't rate too bad as a class in my book.

haven't beat eternal sonata yet, it got pushed to the wayside by newer stuff. I fought count waltz and he turned his servant into some crazy dragon thing, and i ended up in the world where all the people who died from mineral powder are. i'm assuming im close to the end?

number VII

Well, Christmas is now over. I'm pretty tired. MY family didn't have much planned for this year, so I was working a bunch, racking up a ton of overtime hours, so ill get a pretty fat check soon, which I'm excited about. It may be super hot there, but it's been super cold, and snowy here. And Kansas in particular is one of the windiest states on the continent, on Christmas Eve the wind was blowing 50mph and I couldn't see squat when I went to work that night. It's worse though beause I think my room is the coldest one in the whole house. I actually want to go back to my dinky dorm apartment so I won't be so cold at night anymore...

Oh yes, buying presents for my family is the pits, because they're the "oh, I don't really need anything" types, which doesn't help anything at all. MY dad, when he was still alive, was the absolute worst. This one year I got him this super nice thermos though, since he worked lawn and landscape and drank coffee all day, and he acted like it was the best present he'd ever got in his life. But of course, since this is the first Christmas without my dad, my stepmother was very emotional, and my grandmother in particular has been very short with people anymore. That aside, I didn't get anything too major for Christmas this year, which is alright, but, as for games, that's a different matter...

I'm honestly not sure how many games I've got since my last post. LEft 4 Dead 2 on my 360, Fable II, Fable: The Lost Chapters, Trauma Center Under the Knife, LOZ: Spirit Tracks, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Call of Duty 2, FFVIII off of PSN, Garry's Mod, and Torchlight. I'm not sure how I ended up with so many games either since I have only been paid once since then, but that's how it is. Needless to say, I'll be busy with them for a while.

I am, however, more or less pleased wigth Left 4 Dead 2. I don't have Live access at home, but I've played plenty of co-op with my brother. I like all the new weapons and melee addition, and there are more levels. I have noticed however, that the difficulty seems to be significantly cranked up from the first L4D. "The Parish" finale level in particular is so ridiculous that I have yet to survive it with more than one other survivor. Some levels seem much longer as well, so you're struggling to stay alive by the end. I can't necessarily say this is a bad thing since it makes the play more intense, but it definitely takes some adjusting too. I hehar they will be releasing a new DLC early '10 that will have a new campaign and add the L4D1 characters as playable in the 2 campaign, and add some additional weapons as well, which will be a nice addition for sure, since I still prefer the L4D1 character's over 2's. Francis simply can't be replaced.

Well, i met intial resistance from the parentals since they didn't want me spending $299 on the 32 gig iPod. You'd think they'd let me spend my money the way I want by now. But, I got on the store sight and scanned through the size of the apps I would plan on using, and I was surprisied with how tiny they are, msot are no larger than 50 megs, including the games. So, there should be no problem with getting the $199 8 gig model.

estelle leaving defintiely made vesperia hard during her absence, but karol's purifying blow or whatever it's called and raven's love shot can pick up at least part of the slack until she gets back. and that's weird, because Raven always seemed to be the one wanting to toss items around in mine as well. i've stuck with yuri, estelle, judith, and raven for the msot part. hmm...I think I didn't have to do a retry on the final boss in that game. It wasn't quite as epic as Tales of the Abyss's final boss fight though, with Tear signing the Grand Fonic Hymn in the background, it was pretty cool stuff

yes, but, FFVIII came out on the PSN!!! I of course, bought it the instant i saw it was on there. MY favorite game of all time, now wherever I go. Couldn't ask for more. Now all they have to do is add Xenogears to the PSN, and my life will more or less be complete, haha

number VI

Well, Finals and fall semester are now officaly over. Now I get about 3-4 weeks of relief. Which i need, for once, this semester was defintiely pretty bleh for school.

I was trying to play Borderlands with some amgios in the school computer lab the other night so we could play zombie island, but we never made it that far, unfortuantely, since my character was too weak to enter. So, now I have to wait until Christmas break is over, which is rather disappointing, though my brother is thinking of getting it for our PS3 verison, so maybe not that long then.

Well, thankfully, if you camp in Counter-Strike, for the msot part, you're going to get pwned. Movement is key to that game, and standing in one place for any particularly long period amount of time is a sure ticket to gettin' burned. I'm slowly getting better at it though, it's actually fun now. My favorite is using the terrorist Krieg 223 or the CT's M4. iron-sight mode would be helpful in that game, i think, but oh well, i guess. there's a total newb-cannon in that game though, the "AWB" sniper rifle. it's a stinking one-shot kill as long as the hit is not on the limbs. total lame sauce. some guy kept spamming it in one round, against me, apaprently. that defintiely ruins the fun when people do that kinda crap. yeah, Far Cry 2, you're basically not missing much, in my opinion. Maybe rent it and see if you agree, maybe it wouldnt be so bad for you.

Yup, SO4 is enjoyable. I like how you end up going to worlds ad seeing races from the first three games. My favorite character though, is probably Arumant. I mean, seriously, it's pretty hard to beat a giant laser scythe.

I think my Christmas present to myself this year will be an iPod Touch. my palm pilot PDA is pretty much on its last legs, and it's time to upgrade. they don't really make PDAs anymore though, it's all smart phones. but, the Touch is the next closest thing, and I can get the apps for it like Documents To Go like I have on my palm, and it's a decent game system as well, so I think that's what I'll get.

Well, this will have to be cut short, since I have a paper yet to finihs...then i will be trully done with fall semester.

#V post

Ugh...seriously, my bad for taking so long to get back... this week is finals week, and last week i spent preparing. My professors are working me right down to the wire, whilst my bro hardly even had any classes last week. lucky.

well, thanksgiving is an American holiday and i guess no big surprise you don't have it. I have always wondered though about like, Christmas stuff internationally, since we always talk about having a w 'white' Christmas even though people like you down under it's the middle of summer. that must really stink.

Yeah, it's finally done, the NaNo. I got access to my free book copy voucher a while ago, and it lasts until July1. Im planning on finishing it up here during Christmas break though. The trick will be trying to figureout how to get it published, since self-publishing doesn't get you anywhere and its really hard to get a major publisher to do it. I'm jsut hoping for the best though. In the mean time, I've written the first few pages of my next writing idea, despite the fact that i have two in the works right now, not counting my NaNo. I'm planning to make it a "realistic" sci-fi, in that, I'm going to try to keep all the technological stuff as realistic as possible. Except for faster than light travel simply isnt possible in real life, but it's a concession i'll have to make.

yeah, i watched the blade runner movie this week before we discussed the book in class. I cant say i liked it as much as the book though. some of the stuff was just weird.

So, I'm guessing, you've beat Borderlands by now then? What did you think of the final boss and the ending? I've been playing new game +, and stuff is still challenging, so i give it the thumb's up. See, the one good thing about the co-op is that, if you are a strong character with a weak character, and their are strong enemies, the weak character gets experience whenever you kill something. In this way, when I was playing with my little brother, I got him up from level 1 to 10 in just a few minutes, so that's nice. Now that Chriistmas break is starting, I'll try to attempt to play some online with ya, it's just difficult that you're like, 13 or some horus ahead of me...makes it kinda hard.

See, this is the one thing i hate about online play. For whatever reason, people for the most part feel the need to be complete and utter deuche bags, and it drives me nuts. I got my 360 hooked up to Live and activated my month free trial of gold membership. I was playing a campaign with a guy who wasnt very good, but we were doing alright. and then, these two jerks joined our game and jsut started running around and shooting us in the back! and since there was twp of them, we couldn't vote to kick them off, so what happened was me and the guy i was originally playing with teamed up and killed them and then just left them there wounded on the ground till they died. Jerks.

Oh yeah, i was a little upset when I saw how limited the "out of box" Battlefield 2 was compared to Battlefield 1942. However, I found this absolutely great site called "battlefield single" that focuses almost entirely on the single-play aspect of the game. I've downloaded tons of maps, and found a mod that lets me adjust the map size from 16 to 32 to 64 player size maps, and adjust the bot count from 1 to 255, and adjust their AI levels as well. these were things you could do in 1942, but for some reason, they were not included in Battlefield 2, it's like they focused on the multiplay aspects only. Now with these nmods, I pretty much play single play only, and it's a ton of fun.

Far Cry is good, but hard. Now, Far Cry 2? I would ultimately suggest to not bother with it. IT seems good at first, since its a big sandbox type shooter, and it plays alright, but a lot of things add up to turn it into a total drag. For example, you can't drive anywhere without running into an outpost of mercenaries who chase you down relentlessly. there is a buddy system, but buddies are almost completely useless and get themselves injured, and by the time you can get to them, you cant save them no matter how mnay stimpacks you jab them with. jobs are all very similar, AI is relentless, etc, etc, the list goes on. It's fun for about the first few hours but then it just turns into a boring and frustrating slog.

I'm a bit sad wiht painkiller now though, because i'm on chapter 4 and there are swarms and swarms of enemies that attack at once, so i cant really use the stake gun anymore...but, it's still holding u well, so i approve.

of course though, regardless of how well the next castlevania does, it'll never do as well as those ridiculous twilight books. I wish I had kept the link to this thing my friend sent me, it was like a "synopsis of twilight" ad it had little comic book drawings, and it had me laughing so hard i was literally on my side and couldnt breathe. and, the radio station that i work at, i kid you not, id doing a special twilight jewelry give away thing. barf-inducing, i tell you.

oh yeah, star ocean 4. I know they didn't give it uber high reviews on gamespot, but i still liked it a lot. The characters, well, some i liked, and some i didn't. Edge is alright, except for a period of the gamme where he's so angsty you jsut want to strangle him. Teh gameplay is great yes, it takes the battle system of Star Ocean 3, which was already excellent, and makes it even better. As for being lost, it's like MGS3, it takes place at the beginning chronologically, so no prior SO knowledge is really required. Now, there are a great deal of "hint, hint, nudge, nudge" type of references to previous star ocean games, but i wouldn't say that you would be lost or anything.

I got countr-strike: source today since Steam was ahving it on a deal for $5. i dunno if i should've got it or not... all the people on it are insanely good, and i cant say i like the fact that you dont respawn. out f the two and a half horus i played it earlier, i got a grand total of 4 kills... so, i'll have to try more later and see if i cant get better a it.

#IV post

yes, it was Thanksgiving break, so that is why there was my long period of silence. But, I'm back to school now for another two weeks of class, then finals week, and then i have my Christmas break. which is about three or four weeks long, way logner than it ever was in high school, that's for sure. I almost didn't know what to do with myself during last year's break

I haven't read anything by Clive Barker, i just know i've heard opposite ends of the spectrum on Jericho's quality. For novel class today, I had to read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" which is what the movie "Blade Runner" was based off of. though, I read the article on wikipedia about blade runner, and it sounds like themovie is drastically different from the book, i never saw it, it was before my time. I just know Harrison Ford was in it.

yup. I FINALLY finsihed my NaNoWriMo, two days ahead of schedule! I defintiely had to persist on it, but I won. and i beat my friend to it in the process, mwuhahaha. Now, I have to actually finish the story, it wasn't quite done within the 50k word limit. i'd say about two more chapters and i just finished the epilogue.

see, that's my opposite problem, i like my characters too much and have trouble fully realizing the actual story. I wonder about the quality of this one, whether it makes for a good story or not. I hope it is, but I'm a little worried. we get access to our paperback copy vouchers tomorrow, so i need to send it out to some people once its done and see what they think befor ei get it printed

too poor to get modern warfare; I have to save all my money from now to Christmas to get Christmas presents since my bum brother still doesn't have a job. i heard that my little brother back home got it somehow though, so i'll probably borrow it from him at some point.

oh, you got Borderlands too, that's greast! I'm like, level 36 hunter now,i think, i started a new game +, which is actually legit since the enemies level with you. I haven't got zombie island of dr ned yet though, but I probably will after Christmas once I can spend some money again. I haven't even checked to see what the price is yet.

yeah, it's true that I did not get modern warfare 2, BUT, I got something jsut as good in my mind's eye off of Steam: Battlefield 2. I've always loved Battlefield 1942, and steam was having a special five-day sale, so Battlefield 2 Complete was on sale 50% off, i'd bene looking at it for a while, but the sale just pushed me over the edge. it's defintiely even better than 1942, and the modern setting really freshens things up. I was a little disappointed though that on singlel player you could only play with 16 bots total, which made for some very sparse, un-exciting matches. However, I managed to find a mod/patch yesterday for it that lets you set the bots up as high as 255 per map, and you cann adjust the AI as well, so that just shot the game's playability way back up. now, i jsut need to see if i can find something that lets me adjust the size of the maps, because they're still 16 player size maps, so it's not practical to play with 255 bots, more like 64. I really don't understand why these options aren't in there, since they were in 1942.

I allso just got Far Cry last night, but have only been able to play it a tiny's REALLY hard. t seems like I'm dying if people sneeze the opposite direction, and i have the game set at normal difficulty too...however, it is rather amazing, considering it was made five years ago now

yeah, that's airbender. I liked it. and yeah, sherlock is on christmas. I remember going to see "Prince of Egypt" on christmas eve, but never something on Christmas day itself. and don't even get me started on twilight. I for one, still play castlevania where you KILL vampires, not get all weak-kneed about them. I think old Nosferatu is rolling in his grave in romania these days...

wahaha, that's awesome. I haven't quite beat Painkiller yet, I'm on chapter IV. but, i got the "black edition" off of Steam, so it also comes with the "Battle out of Hell" expansion, so there's ten more levels once I beat the main game. I really like the stake gun, but I've been having to revert to the shotgun and the rocket launcher because its been huge swarms of unending enemies.

yeah, that's right, P3 for PSP will let you play as a female protagonist if you desire, and social links will be adjusted accordingly; also, orpheus will have a slightly different appearance, and igor will have a male assistant instead of elizabeth if you pick the female protagonist. I'll probably try her out since I've obviously already played as the dude several times. it will NOT come with the "The Answer" game that was included in the FES PS2 release. there are supposed to be some mild changes to the story as well, though that has yet to be specified, so i don't know if the FES story changes will occur, like Chidori coming back to life eventually. However, it is going to have some of the P4 mechanic changes in it, like being able to control your entire party in battle instead of just the main character. also, i hear therer will be some P4 cameo appearances, like Yukiko. yeah, have you beat P4?

and yeah, your text is having some weird symbols in them for some reason.. know what that's about?

#3 post

I have a moving avatar of squall, but I can't seem to get it to work here. I haven't really had anny time for reading besides school stuff lately, what with the heavy work load they're giving me and NaNoWriMo. I have to read the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr hyde for class by tuesday, which i have not read it. I remember underclassmen in high school having to read it, but for some reason my class didn't read it. weird.

50k is tough, but it could be worse. the avera is about 1300 words needed a day, which is doable. and no, it doesn't even have to be finished, it jsut has to be 50k words to be a nanowrimo winner. they don't actually read your thing or anything like that, they just have an automatic word counter to check your progress. So technically, you could type in 50k "A"s and you could be a winner, but that's obviously being dishonest. i myself am sitting at 33,400 words, and there are 9 days left now. I should be able to make it.

what I'm working on is titled "the revetinsk incident" for lack of anything better at the moment. It takes place in my overall universe that i write in, but 6 years prior to my main work. It's for the most part speculative fiction of sorts, with some sci-fi elements here and there. basically, it's the year 341 PA, which is about 500 years in the future. However, there was a massive nuclear war in the 22nd century which set mankind a long way back, so these people aren't as technically advanced as you might think. Anyway, the main character is a doctor wholives in a tiny little village/farming commune called Revetinsk, which is out in the middle of nowhere in what used to be the russian steppe. but, weird stuff has been happening lately, and this crazy guy he finds in some ruins nearby turns into a monster and kills his assistant. So, in a nutshell, he's going out with some other people to find out why people are turning into these monsters and seeing if he can do something to stop it. that's the condensed summary.

yeah, i played modern warfare 2 a bit since my little brother had it for a whilew. It's good, but it defintiely doesn't live up to the hype that surrounded it. as far as i'm concerned, it's jsut a vamped up modern warfare 1 with some new guns and better graphics. and i saw the 'massacre' level, it was defintiely in poor taste, if you ask me. so, i've pretty much written off modern warfare 2 since the single player is only supposed to be 5-7 hours long. I think I'll get dragon age origins instead.

I did know that australia used to be a penal colony back in the day but that's about it. ha, though in my writing universe, australia has become fairly powerful because it avoided the worst of the bombing back when that happened.

yeah, jack thompson presented false eveidence and stuff, not to mention he kept wasting people's time, so he was disbarred. I did try to play some online with you yesterday morning sicne i got the opportunity, but you weren't on when i had time to play...sad... yeah, borderlands is good, albeit the final boss wasn't particularly hard, at least not for me playing as the sniper. you may just have to order that game off of ebay or amazon or something, eh?

yeah, i'm getting the "avatar" mixed up with "Avatar: Last Airbender" movie. Haha, I want to see airbender, cuz i liked the cartoons when they still played. as for the plain avatar, i haven't seen much about it, though i know people are going a little crazy over the game. yeah, I have the complete collection of sherlock holmes book, so i really hope that they don't mess the movie up. I can see something skanky coming from a thousand miles away with sherlock and whats-her-face, even though sherlock has absolute zero itnerest in that sort of thing, but you know they're going to put that in there since it's a movie...sigh... I just hope the story isn't too insane. Ah, watson wasn't so bad. we actually studied his character quite a bit in novel class, he's pretty important since he is the narrator after all. i prolly wont be able to make opening day since its christmas, but oh well

i guess i get the upper hand for posting the blog rather than commenting on it...

haha, i did get this game off of steam, slightly on a whim. IT's called Painkiller. Basically, you jsut run around and kill everything that moves, and it is sheer mindless fun. it's got a gothic motif to it, the character is a dead guy in purgatory who is working for an archangel to head off the devil's armies at the pass, so to speak, and must defeat 4 of lucifers generals in the process to earn he and his wife's passage into heaven. it's kinda a kickback to the oldschool shooters like wolfenstein and doom where you jsut killed everything and didn't need a reason. my favorite gun though is the 'stake-gun' i kid you not, it's a gun that launches honest to goodness STAKES and blows the hell out of anything that gets in your way, pinning thhem to walls and crap. very amusing.

#2 post

Hm... this is a tad awkward, methinks. but, what can ya do? that's a problem that stuff has to be so split up.

and you changed your picture again! and it moves! argh!!!

Yeah, it's taking me a while to send back, I've been really busy. too much procrastination, and now it's biting me in the butt. I got a bunch of books to read, among them Uncle Tom's Cabin, which is quite long, with very small text, so yeah... But, even better! It's NaNoWriMo! NAtional Write a Novel Month! have to write an at least 50k novel in 30 days, and I'm going for it this year. Apparently, if you're a winner, (all you have to do is finish the 50k in the time limit) you get a free voucher to receive a printed paper-back copy of your printed work! So this only sweetens the pot, so I've been working really hard on that too.

Modern Warfare 2 has arrived...I was planning on getting it, but my money is very low right now. So, I'll see how much I get when my paycheck comes in friday, and if it's not good enough, I'll jsut have to hold off for a while, it's not like i have zillions of other games to keep me occupied. It looks good though, but after watching the review, I still hold behind Uncharted 2 deserving the GOTY distinction for '09. modern warfare 2 doesn't look like it quite lives up to the immense hype, which isn't a big surprise.

finish crisis core? I want to play it again jsut so i can get to the end stuff again. I've been trying on hard, but geez it's hard on hard. i'm still stuck in the mako reactor with the sahigans angeal copies, they can kill me in one hit from a jump attack, so i keep dying. not fun.

yeah...armored core 4 answer defintiely plays better than all the other armored cores i play, especially with the big old arms forts to fight, but 3 isn't a bad fit on PSP. then again, when we're talking about customizable giant robots, I prefer Front Mission. I jsut hope they get this new front mission for platforms right, or i'll be rightfully indignant.

Fate/Unlimited Codes, I think is a PSN exclusive. there's either a blond girl in a blue armor/outfit or white armor/outfit, or both, i forget. that would be "Saber," one of the main characters. it's decent. it's too easy on normall difficulty, but crank it to hard and its pretty good, albeit the final fight characters are always blocking and pretty tough to beat, grr...

yup, sounds like down under gets the short end of the stick. we had jack thompson, you probably heard of him. saying vidoe games should basically be completely banned and FPS games were "murder simulators" etc, etc. he was permanently disbarred though, haha. maybe you need that to happen to your guy down there, huh? it does look like l4d2 does have more gore and stuff, but woopdeedoo, its not like Dead Space or Saving Private Ryan. I'll be getting it eventually, its just i'm a bit leary since l4d is more of a online leaning game and i don't have xbox live.

yeah, i guess any language is ahrd to learn once you're no longer a kid, i took four years of spanish, but I might be able to ask where the bathrrom is in a pinch, but that's about it. so learning japanese looks to be far-off at best.

Yeah, like I said, Disgaea 2 is so much more fun than 1. Now, they jsut need to make D3 for PSP. I've got my people all around level 10, I'm wanting to get a rune knight and a samurai.

Yup, I'm up to just about done on the train part. fighting the guy who has the dagger thing. Had to stop before i went back home for the weekend, and haven't been able to play since i got back since ive been bogged down with school work. I saw my brother play most of it, so, unfortunately, i already know most of what's going to happen, but oh well. the little thing at the very end though, where elena asks drake how scared he was that she had died, was really funny. good icing on the cake.

yes, STALKER is good. it is a bit glitchy at times, but not the gameplay parts, its the quests. sometimes the people to turn the quest into are dead, or you did the stuff and it thinks yoou didn't, stuff like that. if you find it, and can get a good deal, do not hesitate.

hm...I jsut realized, silent hill 1 remake is coming out soon... i think? haven't quite beat silent hill 1 ye tthough. and still no beginning on silent hill 3. and i had to take SH4 back to the store... I think i might get homecoming off of steam thoguh when i get my computer upgrade.

yeah, blackpowder is the "original gangsta" when you're talking about gunpowder. this is the stuff made from suplhur, charcoal, and saltpeter. It would have been used in guns, cannon, rockets, etc,invented by the chinese way back in 400 or whenever and used all the way tothe very late 1800's, when "smokeless powder" was invented, AKA, cordite, which is used in modern bullet cartridges. The stuff is extremely corrosive on metals and has to be cleaned extensively after use or your gun is going to turn into a rust pipe. So, yeah, when your thinking of like, civil war stuff where they had rifles that fired one shot, then they had to dump in mor epowder, ram the bullet down, etc, they were using blackpowder. Well, I guess that's american civil war, I don't know about any australian civil wars? so there's my mini history lesson, eh?

I've seen demon souls, but i was kinda looking at dragon age origins as well.

not too bad i guess, butr still looks like it could be a pain. if there's no other way to do it though...

oh yeah, i forgot, have you tried borderlands, or was that banned too? I beat it. it's pretty darn good.

beyond non-union

Well, time to give this a try then.

Hm...I was looking at BlazBlue the other day. Still full price though, which I'm not really willing to do for a fighting game. Star Ocean 4 is getting a PS3 release soon though, so you can get that for your ps3 if you want.

Yeah, that happens with online. Turok was a sorta 'meh' game overall, but it had a fun online cooperative mode in its multiplayer, but there ain't jack-diddly playing that game online anymore, so it kinda blows. Haha, when I was playing Killzone 2 multiplayer a lot, I was consistantly scoring 2nd place on all matches, so I was pretty proud of that, considering you can die pretty easily in Killzone multiplayer, and then when I was playing WaW multiplayer, I was scoring in the top five most of the time, even against these peoople who Im sure were insane modern warfare addicts. Speaking of which, I'll be picking up Modern Warfare 2 when it comes out next week, so we should try the mutliplayer if you get it.

HAven't beat Crisis Core yet?! Crisis core was the whole reason I got a PSP in the first place. Yeah, you're getting close to the end. It wasn't Tseng who got turned into an Angeal clone, it was Lazard, the SOLDIER director. Tseng is the leader of the turks and is still arounf in FF7 and Advent Children, so he could't have been turned into a copy. Once you get to a point where there's a huge hole in the ground and you have to jump in and "you wont be able to get back out", that's the final dungeon. even though you know what will happen at the very ending of the game, and you know it will be sad, in my opinion, the ending sequence and beyond for Crisis Core were so beautifully done that it easily ranks as the best video game ending I have ever experienced, or likelly will. It is trully touching. Yeah, I agree with retribution though, the chrysalsi seemed much mroe compelling a boss than daeduls. I kinda liked Raine at first but I quickly stopped liking her, just had a gut feeling she was up to something,m and I was right.

Hmm...that is weird with the PSN. I downloaded two new games off of it yesterday, Armored Core3 Portable, which is amazingly good port, though the controls take some getting used to without two analog sticks.

That aside, despite my intial reservations with fighting games, I got Fate/Unlimited Codes. It's a pretty good fighter, and once I got the hang of the nuances, I'm actually able to pull off combos easily, something that fighting game's insane button inptus has always eluded me. Of course, since it's based off of a manga/anime sorta thing, I read the manga online, but alas, it's incomplete, at least on the sight i frequent, which is rather diappointing, but at least now I'm not completely clueless about what the people are talking about in the game. I'd suggest it if you like fighters, it seems a decent fit for PSP. cant recall if it has online multiplayer or not though, I'll have to double check.

yeah, well, U.S. didn't get NAmco x Capcom either, guess it was a japanese exclusive. I hear that there is talk of making a PS2 emulator and making all PS2 games available on PSN. I am very interested in this, so I hope it happens, but who can say at this point. Your australia has cocme up sevral times in discussion lately, mainly concering the rabid censoring of games like L4D2. I really don't understand it, and it seems strang,e do they censor movies and stuff too???

Yeah, Super robot taisen does it, as well as the Fate/Unlimited Codes i jsut got, though there are subtitle boxes at the end of a fight when you win, so that's nice. I wodner if it's trully that difficult to translate something? I'm almsot compelled to learn japanese so i can check out all these games and manga that are otherwise inaccesible to me.

yup, I;m on chapter 3 of Disgaea 2. I can kinda see that Adell is starting to grow on Rozalin by this point. It's jsut so much more enjoyable a game, and even though IU don't have the surplus of cash like I do with Disgaea 3, at least I still have SOME money, isntead of being totally strapped for cash in DIsgaea 1 and not being able to upgrade anything. I thought that there was supposed to be some DLC for Disgaea 2, but maybe not, I dunno. You can get all the usuals in this version, laharl and flonne, and also Priere, and others i cant recall off the top of my head. oh yeah, raspberyl and Mao and Champloo, i remember those. not sure how you ge them though

Oh yeah, I got Uncharted 2 as well. If it doesn't get game of the year for 2009, then I think a gross injustice will have been done. The graphics are amazing, the gameplay intesne, the story excellent, the voice acting top-notch...everything about it is just simply superlative. It will be a game others are measured by for a long time, if yoou ask me.

yeah, i;'ve been trying to take care of old games and hold off on getting new ones, but Steam has pretty much thrown a wrench in this. I got the original splinter cell...Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30, Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood, and msot itnerestignly S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. That right there, is a different game, and I would suggest it to pretty much anybody.

I did finally beat Silent Hill 2 though...kinda...weird? I got to the top, and MAry was there, but I guess it was actually maria. Anyway, i won, and in the end, I saw James leaving the town through the graveyard with laura. it kinda sucked though, because somehow, i missed picking up the shotgun, so i was stuck with jsut the pistol and rifle.

Yup, it was a good deal. The only problem is, blackpowder is a horrificly corrosive stuff, so you have to clean the rifle religously every time you use it or it will rust like a scene from silent hill's netherworld. no wonder they switched to smokeless powder.

and, now that we're here, i'll prolly be striking down the forum soon. i feel a little sorry for it, but the original leader jsut kinda cast it off on me like a pair of dirty socks or something, so what was i supposed to do?

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