16garragirl16 Blog
by 16garragirl16 on Comments
ok first of all, sorry i havnt been on for awhile...i was really busy, so...ya know...sorry:(
anyways, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!! im really bad at party blogs, so im just gonna post some pigs:lol: i meant pics, but i like pigs too:P
oh, and im letting deidara go. gaara convinced me to, dont know why, since deidara almosted killed him...i guess gaaras just an awesome person
by 16garragirl16 on Comments
by 16garragirl16 on Comments
im sad i have "the rythym of life" stuck in my head cause my friends little sister has to sing that song in music so i got bored and bought it on itunes and now im killing myself cause its scary:cry:
help me im trying to get fall out boy stuck in my head now but its taking a while:( anyone now any good songs?
oh, and i still have deidara
im still waiting for more reasons not to destroy deidara. deidarasama, the "i'll kill you" reason only works for 1. *shrugs* sorry
fine...i still dont wanna though
by 16garragirl16 on Comments
fine. i'll give you deidara fans a chance to save your beloved deidara. even though he's a loser:P you deidara fans have to give me 10 good reasons to not hunt deidara. im the judge of if they're good or not. deidara dies if i dont get persuaded. i have him hostage right here
see? told ya:P
slumber party...i guess...
by 16garragirl16 on Comments
*throws sleeping bags randomly except for 2* im reserving one for me and 1 for sean. sorry for 45th lame blog in a row(must be record ever) but im really tired...why do little kids that scream always find me? *groans* well goodnight...
in case chu wanna stay up all night:D
*grabs gaara plushy and snuggles up with it* oh right i forgot *grabs sean and forces him into sleeping bag next 2 mine* lol i just couldnt resist:lol: goodnight........................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ..............................
not on as much
by 16garragirl16 on Comments
sorry peoples im not gonna be on as much as i used to now:( my moms starting to get curious:( i'll still be on sometimes but now as often:( sorry:(
oh and deidara season and nicasso rememberance both continue. just had to let you know im not leaving like nicasso:(
goodbye, old friend
by 16garragirl16 on Comments
this is a goodbye blog for good old Nicasso_. They were a good friend, nice to everyone. a long time ago, they left. i was unbelivably depressed, but then they came back, and we picked up where we left off. now they're gone again:cry: this is just saying goodbye to nicasso. i really need a shoulder to cry on right now:cry: its pretty hard to type this short short thing:cry::cry::cry:
sorry lame goodbye blog, my bro needs comp. stupid brothers homework:evil:
oh, and deidara hunting season is postponed until everyone pays repects
by 16garragirl16 on Comments
ahhhh:) 'tis the season to hunt deidara:twisted: this should be fun:twisted: here are some pics of deidara so that you know what to aim your wepons for, just in case you havn't seen deidara before. i just wanna make sure everyone can join in the fun:twisted:
oh, and dont forget: he rides a birdy sometimes, so be sure to search the :twisted:
I SEE HIM!!! OVER THERE!!! *throws every shinobi wepon known to shinobi at deidara*
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