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1995_1996_1997 Blog

Final Fanatsy, Metal Gear Solid and God of War characters (a fan's perspective)

Hi everyone,

Let's start off with describing Final fantasy's characters in one word awesome!!My favorite has to be Zack Fair because when you play crisis core they share a incredible amount of light on the character and as you emerge into the game he's like your best friend:D but why the hell did they make him die at the end giving his life to cloud.I mean cloud doesn't stand a chance compared to zack in complexity and overall awesomeness.At one moment he's your best friend then boom they make him die,the moment was very very sad and tearscameon my psp it was a very dissappointing moment.Aierith she's okay nice animation cool personality Zack was her first love but then she fell in love with cloud,WTF?Lightning in FFXIII is a female version a clout but a hell lot cooler I'm happy that we'll take control of her in the next Final Fantasy title.

Metal Gear Solid chracters have fantastic voices and animations overall they are incredible,Well done Hideo Kojima.Solid snake is my favorite character in the MGs saga in my opinion he stands out as one of the best gaming characters ever.Raiden is an amazing,complex character that you'll share many great and emotional moments inSons of Liberty and Guns of the Patriots and we'll share with him another adventure in rising :D.The Main antagonist in MGS4 is liquid ocelot which is great enemy with fluid voice acting and animations.

On to God of War,Kratos is one of my favorite playstation characters brutal,cruel and cool extremly cool.the finalinstallment of the franchise is Godof War 3 which will end the story of the gods,titans and kratos.Ok we all agree that zeus is soooooo screwed! Have you seen kratos in battle?Gaiais a wonderful titan that you'll soon join in God of War 3and she's the story teller but i have a wierd feeling the kratos will still lose because the sisters of fate already deemed zeus victorious i hope kratos and the titans win.

goodbye,for now


The Metal Gear Solid series

Greeting everyone,

Well most of usagree that the Metal Gear solid series is one of the best franchises in gaming and most of us alsoagree that Hideo Kojima is one of the most influential and innovative video game designers and writers of all time.Let's start off with Metal Gear Solid 1 in my perspectivethisgame just changed the genre forever giving us an experience like no other in terms of gameplay and storytelling and at that time it was visually impressive butunfortunatlythe game didn't receive thereview that does justice to it from gs an 8.5,are you kidding me?but when mgs2 was released it got 9.6 finally gs admits that it was a dumb ass and didn't appreciate the perfect harmony between compelling storytelling and impressive gameplay that the series was known for.I don't get why so many ppl dislike raiden in my opinion he's an awesome character that grows on you during the game and no he is not gay like other ppl call him(he already has a girlfriend,duh!).unlike the previous games mgs3 talked about bigg boss aka naked snake it was very similar to the previous games in gameply and it had a compelling story as i said before that the series was known for and it got an 8.7 from gs,gs is going crazy again!now let's move to mgs4 which is in my perspective the crown joule of the ps3 and the best game in the metal gear solid series and possibly the best game ever.snake's final mission is the most epic game of this generation.hideo kojima createda great send-off to one of the most beloved video game characters of all time, visuals were very impressive,the gameplay surpassed my expectations and ofcourse the storytelling was epic.metal gear solid: portable ops was a huge technical achievment compared to the capabilities of the psp and this is the game that made me buy a psp alongside to crisis core and patapon.if you watched e3 2009 microsoft press conference you'll know thatan mgs game is coming to x-box 360 mgs: rising staring raiden!but i'm not looking forward to it because mgs4 took 4 years to create and hideo will spend as a maximum amount of time around 2 years so it will not even be near as awesome as mgs4 was.and one more thing i just don't get the story of the metal gear solid series so i got articles explaining the plot of the metal gear solid series i hope i understand it.i hope hideo kojima creates even more mgs games in the future and good luck!


the top 5 games of the ps2,xbox 360 and the ps3


Iaconsider the above mentioned consoles the top 3 consoles of all here are the top 5 games of these consoles,here goes.


5.metal gear solid 3:subsistance

4.Gta: san andreas

3.God of war 2

2.god of war

1.metal gear solid 2:subsistance

x-box 360

5.castle crashers

4.gears of war 2

3.halo 3

2.gears of war

1.fallout 3


5.uncharted 2: among thieves

4.little big planet

3.killzone 2

2.god of war 3

1.metal gear solid

that's all for this blog

MGS4 on 360

i would really hope that mgs4 will come to the 360,because first it is like the best espionage ever created it is one of the games that are technically flawless.example gears of war offcourse.and second it is one of the best looking games ever created(well done hideo kojima).hoping your masterpiece comes to the 360.and there is a very big chance it comes to the 360 about 70 precent sice the clues are there an xbox 360 controller on the first image,placed on that teaser site and andrawing of solidsnake,and that does not resemble to mgs5 because mgs4 was the last game which you take the role of solid snakethat is mgs4 and this is another clue or sign of mgs4 coming to the addition konami won't pay for mgs5 since they didn't win much from mgs4 and they payed tons of money for the last kojima sent another image of which could be 5 or s. a 5 could resemble to mgs5 and the s could resemble to mgs4+oxide for 360(hope it is an s could resemble to another game).to show that 360 controller appears in the picture look at the upper right of the imge you'll see it.

good luck. please mgs4 for 360.

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