Thanks for your suggestions guys, even if they come with a lot of bashing. I still have no desire to play any Blizzard made game. The developer just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I could care less if Diablo made the genre. I dont think that is possible anyway since I know there are similar isometric RPG's long before Diablo came out. I just dont like Blizzard as a game developer and im entitled to my opinion.
Also I said Baldurs Gate, Icewidn Dale, and Vampire The masquerade were too old for me. Once a game has been out for so long finding patches and stuff becomes a pain. Another reason is that considering they are older games, is one of the reason im upset. The premise of the post is that the current market for the single player/co-op RPG is flat. With out bashing the newer games, they just dont loo epic or special to me. They look like they could be expansion packs. Or the armors and stuff in them doesnt appeal to me.
I have been a gamer for a long time. When you look back and see thousands of games that were made with fun in mind, that was their selling point. Blizzard showed me through my extensive WoW playing time that they were about creating restrictions at every corner to keep gamers, and build a game around causing headaches and frustration. I dont think that belongs in the game market, and I think its one of the reasons so many developers follow up their ideals. MMO's can directly ffect every other genre and ruin a market for years. Anyway I also thought Blizzard was always condescending and sarcastic(who would have thought it?) to each other and everyone else in their community. They have good points, but id rather not support a developer that doesnt emphasize creativity and fun over monthly fees and banging the player in to submission to pay them each month. I'd rather play General Chaos from the old days.
I didnt actually feel like I needed to explain that to anyone, or that it was anyone elses business. Especially since fanboys come in packs. I will not be buying any future Blizzard titles because of WoW's game design. It shows a disdain for what made the industry and why people play games. If you're going to make an MMO, the restriuctions should be based on the story, not milking monthly fees. If it cant stand on its own feet when free of Blizzard-esque restrictions, then it should melt away. The community over there is also a rank fest, and always has been. The game istelf pits everyone against each other and you get this constant downtrodden epxerience even in the hig points of the game. AND the challenge Blizzard created in the game comes from select guilds that help create these dungeons and boss fights, and thats about the extent of it. It isnbt challenging for the average payer, just a grind. Players dont have to think, just grind. The only challenge is based around boss fights and dungeons in which there are many restrictions. Ive focused too much on my dislike of WoW and my lack of respect for Blizzard.
Anyway I reinstalled TQIT, and that willbe good enough. There just isnt anything current or coming soon that looks very appealing in this genre. Sorry to have made the post because ther wasnt anything I had not already looked at.
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