When i drink on the weekends i usually just take shots or have mixed drinks, but i've recently decided to try drinking beer more frequently than shots? (had a few bad experiences with shots lol) ... I've had beer before and thought it was just awful. I know its an acquired taste so what beer should i start off with?
1Rob-E's forum posts
and my record is 11 W 31 L 26.2% after today.
Well some ppl are just bad at tekken and are completely normal. Ive played tekken since i was little and i stay up late at night playing online and just suck all night long. lol. So i wouldnt feel bad if i were you.
I've played tekken ever since i was little and I dont get it. I play and play and play online and i still only win like 2 or 3 games a night. i sometimes come close to winning, i'm up 2 rounds and they come back and destroy me. Everyone makes it look easy like theyre not trying and im struggling just to win one round. Tonight i havent won not one game yet. IDk i guess im just pissed off and venting right now . lol Any tips?
I've been thinking about getting this game but I feel like Crash Bandicoot not being in the game would convince me not to (idk why i feel this way but i do LOL . Does anyone know if later on he comes as dlc for the game or something?
Already preordered this! Cant wait til i get it Tuesday. Will be way betr than Absolution I think. I just hope the graphics are good.
Yeah... does this happen to you all also?
Why the hell are those glithces still there? I had those glitches since like Dec 2011 and i started playing it again today and i still have those instruments in my invertory permanantly even after trying to do the mission again.... After all the patches i figured itd be fixed by now...:(
I beat Jak and Daxter and got all trophies for it...then i started Jak 2 and got two trophies and now I have absolutely no desire to finish it...anybody else feel this way too? I know its weird since JAk 2 is betr I just dont know why i feel this way haha
Hey guys I was really thinking about getting a PS Vita, but should I? are there any good games for it? and how are the graphics? thanks.
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