I agree totally with Robbristow about it depending on the game. I mean, if you're playing FF7 and you want some real damage, you are going to use the Knights Of The Round summon because the max damage is 9999 and the summon hits that multiple times. In FF8, if you have a high magic junction, you can use the magic more often than a GF, the only thing that will beat magic damage in FF8 is the GF Eden.
In the beginning it can be a little addictive because you just want to level up your character and find the best equipment you can but if you can effictively set limits for yourself like I'm only going to play for a certain amount of time each day then you shouldn't have a problem.
The first FF game I ever played was FF8 for the Playstation. In the end I traded one of my other PS games with one of my friends to get my hands on FF7 and I have never regretted it.
I am having the problem. I want to install Burning Crusade and patch my normal version but I first need to know if I can still play my normal version after installing BC. I download my patches from gamespot so I also need to know which patches are for WoW and which are for WoW:BC.
I agree with shekb, I really miss being able to breed my chocobos! I also miss the fact that I could take it with me wherever I went. I want squarenix to bring back breeding and the ability to own your own chocobo.
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