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Back after being banned, just saying goodbye

Edit: for those who don't know, I posted that survey in several boards, and mods didn't like it.

Edit : I will cancel this account in a couple of days.

I won't be using this account any more, if there are any issues just PM -Crimson_Waltz- (my new account)

If I haven't answered any PMs recently it was because I couldn't (ban)

So, goodbye :)

Quick data collection (please try and post, thanks)

you may have seen this post in lots of other places :P but I need lots of data

It's for stats coursework I have to do

1) how many games in your collection

2) average number of hours spent gaming in a week

3) amount spent on gaming in a typical month

4) your age

please try and answer all questions, but Q4 is ESSENTIAL. You can PM it to me (link in my sig) if you want your age to be kept secret


New RPG Lounge mod, and school reference

I'm a mod now. It's pretty cool.

Also, I got to see my reference today. It's written by my teachers, form tutor and the head of the science side, and I'm happy with what they wrote. I've been predicted 4 out of 4 A's at A level, plus the comments were positive too. Together with my personal statement (more of that later) I hope to receive offers from all 6 universities I'm applying to. Doubt they'll be unconditional offers, but the entry requirements aren't so difficult to achieve. Must not be over confident though! Anything can go wrong!

That's all for now

What is this......anime???

I don't think I've ever seen anime on TV over here.....I don't think the stations realise how popular it is. Anyone from UK seen anime on TV?

Anyway I watched Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust last night, and Spirited Away recently, both are very good. I've seen Akira and Vampire Hunyer D before and also the Animatrix. That's all the anime I've ever watched. Thinking of seeing Ghost in the Shell too.

That's all for now

doo-doo-doo-rargh!!! akshlup- help! Zombie alert!

Half-watched 28 Days Later and the remake of Dawn of the Dead last night. All these newer films prefer zombies that run really quickly and sneakily, bit like yobs and scallies :lol: What happened to the good old "ruh.....ugh...arrgruh.." zombies? The ones that shuffled around holding their arms straight ahead? :P These new ones just go "eerrckkhh!" Vicious SOBs :lol:

It's so great, it's so fun, I love doing this!

NOT! All of that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm writing my personal staement, part of my application for university, and it is a nightmare. I have to get it perfect and my intro and ending are too weak. Rewrites, rewrites and rewrites! It's driving me up the wall, across the ceiling and down the opposite wall!