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Upcoming Reviews

I'll be typing up some more Reviews in the coming weeks and these are a list of a few I'll feature;

LEGO Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront, WWE Smackdown VS Raw, Final Fantasy X-2 :)

Once I have done one I'll post a link to It in my Journal and in my Union Board Thread ;)

New Union Starting

The Final Fantasy Saga Union, this is my created Union. I have already invited 4 Officers pending acception or rejection, but feel free to PM If you want to be an Officer. NOTE - That you have to have not joined a Union in 30 Days or have joined 30 Unions.

Exams The Finale

Well I've just finishd my last Science Exam, I thought It was pretty easy but long. Im about to go for my 2 Hour Food Tec Exam! :( Oh well at least It'll be out the way. Then next Tuseday I have my very last Exam...History Paper 2 ;)