216036514677560683638813837370's forum posts
Starfox = 091-582-973-662
Metroid = 3393-7274-3081
My email's dangoss@ntlworld.com!
I think GameSpot's rating score of 7.5 is completely off! StarFox deserves much better! I rated it a 9, because it's a brilliant game. It's got 9 different story endings people, and if that's not value I don't know what is. The game's got greatly innovative controls, and they almost feel natural as you zoom around the wonderful landscapes (the graphics are pretty good for DS aren't they - especially the cutscenes, though they would be better animated). And then to top it all off, you've got wifi to play through, with a tough ranking system. Everyone's heard of StarFox, and most people will know how brilliant the N64 version was, but I think that this game is almost as good, i not better; and you gotta cut it some slack cause it's on a portable. Of course there's a few obvious little niggly problems, like someone dropping out in wifi, but some of the levels are pretty challenging and because it's got so many diferent bits to play and accomplish, this game's stuffed full of value. And after all, for most of us, isn't value one of the things we look for most - you gotta get your money's worth when you ain't got that much money! What does everyone else think of the game? Don't let StarFox down!
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