@Fallenlords69 I had so many issues with the game including losing my save file 3 times that I eventually traded it in while it still had decent value. I might pick it back up when it's in the bargain bin for $10 but only if by then the issues are sorted. But for a game to have launched 3 months ago to still be as broken as it is, it should definitely be re-evaluated. It shouldn't have been rated so high to begin with because in my opinion, bugs aside it's the worst in the series, easily.
Same goes for Batman Arkham Origins. The online, which no one wanted is a complete mess. You spend just as much time in loading screens because of disconnects as you do playing the game.
I didn't even know this poll existed until I actively started digging for it on the site because I wondered why there wasn't a players choice this year. Why the hell do I have to see an oversized banner for the show "the gist" every single time I come to GS when I have no desire to watch it? And the only way to get rid of it as the headline video is to click on it....Which is when I turn on adblock, because I'm forced to click on something I wouldn't have otherwise...The scrolling headers were way way better.
@aiat_gamer @dannyodwyer They have an in house guy that does the music according to Tom, who said so in the comments section of the 2013 GOTY nominees video.
23Jarek23's comments