Even if you take out of the equation the better value, the superior power and the draconian DRM controversy, it would still be the same. You see, gamers want to play games, not 'watch TV', use skype or be stuck with a bloated oversized console with a camera watching while they play.
@Karchy Burnout 3 and Revenge were excellent games, that formula worked great and its a shame that they had to do forced open world in Burnout Paradise. One of the most unfun arcade racers i've beat.
Any info if this game is going to feature manual transmission and some quick race mode (or any sort to-go customizable single player racing mode apart from the career) ?
I can't believe I forgot Sega on that list. Sorry guys.
Sega's racers literally created the whole 'arcade racer' genre. I salute you sega, bring back sequels to Outrun 2006, Sega Rally Revo (underrated game) and others.
We need more arcade racers like those good'ol classics from Japan from the 90's/early 2000's. Pure skill, fun and replayability. Come on namco/bandai, genki, konami and Crave, bring those games back on consoles and PC.
Enough of EA/criterion garbage. Recent NFS games don't even have manual transmission. *sigh*
I know how it feels. When you get mad at a game even when doing great scores, its time to stop and do someting else, or at least play a diferent type of stuff. COD its just too much of a fast paced mess, gets tiresome very quick.
26whitewolf's comments