2birds' forum posts
Basicaly... my computer needed more RAM it's a nice computer but with 256mb, it was hardly ultra performance, so i decided i'd buy a 1GB of Ram and add that on.. I have 2 computers btw both with 256mb.. i was then told by my parents that i wont be able to get the 1GB of ram for atleast another 3 weeks.. i was heartbroken! so i've been fiddling with the upstairs computer to see how easy it was to get the RAM in and out.. crap that was easy! and then today it hit me! why the hell don't i just put the 256mb in with with the other and have 512mb until my 1GB! Damn! it works so much better already! i've been waiting about 3days! why has it only just come to me now!! Anyone else ever had a slow day(maybe 3)
Wow i didn't actualy know that?(non sarcasm) Uhm get WoW if you want have more people to play with and maybe!(just maybe) a bit more depth to the actual game, but GW if you prefer Nicer shinier graphics, and arnt botherd about not seeing people after you leave the cities. i personaly play WoW, but thats because i have this group of friends at school and we all buy the same MMO and the same race and make a group and we decided with WoW(we've also done GW but there were less people in the friend group then, but was still fun).wow has more players
a very big drawback for Gw is you can only see other players in cities pretty lame.
first off as you don't know much about computers are you sure you've got the wright type of memory. and no non of you programs should be removed as long as you don't break your PC while installing the ram . adam0926Yep im gonna buy it from dell and they go through a list of which computer you have and chooses the compatable memory for you, i was a bit nervous at first 1. because i had no idea what type i needed whether it had to be specific or not. But thats sorted. and my 2nd worry was: " HOW THE HELL am i going to get that in there..!" but thanks to some helpful people thats all been sorted, this will also save me £500 since i dont have to buy a new computer anymore.
This will be my first time at adding anything to a computer, i want to play on some good games(WoW) but i only have 256mb of memory so it runs like a tired dog, so im going to add 1gb onto my memory but i wanted to know if somone could link me somthing to tell me how to do add the memory, also i wanted to know that if i added a 1gb memory sticky thing(sorry you can tell this is my first time) would the rest of the stuff i've put on there still be there or would i have to download it all again?
Say.. i have CS downloaded at the moment if i added this 1gb would i need to install it again?
Please Answer and Thankyou!
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