go play halo 1 and 2 now. i already paid in full for halo 3 at gamespot and will be there 12 midnight tuesday night to get it. oh and yes you are the only crazy 360 owner.
the only game that ever got me was doom 3 at 3 in the morning by myself in the dark. that game can be spooky. but that was it, fear and condemned were nothing. good games though.
Get Oblivion game of the year edition, this game can take around 400+hrs to complete with all the added content, it truly is a masterpiece and a part a gaming history. Whereas not to discredit Bioshock it was a fantastic game but lets all admit it, that game was far too short for the time it was in development and it really should have had more content.Coldsteel001
why does it take everyone so long in this game. i have dont everything imaginable, i have all the addons, shivering islses and everything and i am at 97 hours, with nothing left to do.
nope, actually they are awsome. my friend has the one with the switch, and i have the new one, we have been using them for 2 years with zero problems. get one.
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