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3DayFinisher Blog


Work's pretty stressful. Finding time to do stuff is getting hard, too busy. Thank god I still have my lovely lady and my games.

In the months preceding...

This blog, I've basically been pulling a 5 day a week job which is generally 8am to 5pm and sometimes finishes at around 7pm. Fixing pokies isn't too bad, but you end up getting asked the same thing over and over and over again, you can easily guess which question that is -_-. Between that and the girlfriend, I don't really have much time to get on the net, especially when she doesn't have internet in her room (Blasphemy I tells ya). But for the most part I've been fine, bought too many games to list here, I'd have to get them all out to do that and it's too much effort at 8:30 in the morning. Next investment is probably a new car then steadily saving money for whatever comes after, I have a flashy new PC that can play anything current in max 1080p, and I quite enjoy it. PS3 is also still going strong finally, must remember to buy a bigger hard drive. /note to self. Umm, I went on a trip north a few weeks ago which is what all the dolphin pics are from. There's a lot of the ol' boring stuff in those pics too, (giant bananas and jigsaw puzzles) :P Honestly that's about it, I've been inducted into the daily grind it seems.Could be worse.

Boo (filler to make topic title long enough)

I'm tired, lappy has been out of commission for like a month and a half now, finally back how I want it to be. I worked a 12 and a 17 hour shift this week, then another 8.5 today, fun fun. Lots of moneys! Building a new comp as well. Bank won't give me a loan so they can stick it up their ass, I can earn the money I need in a month or 2

Damn alligator bit my hand off! (Oh my god)

I dunno, Chubbs quotes were floating around my head. Been 4 months since any of you beautiful people had much of a clue what I've been doing. I've been partying and living it up and taking over the world. By the way those are all lies. Basically sat on my ass the whole time just coasting along to nearly becoming a broken down hobo. So you'll be glad to hear it's about to change, I've been signed up for basically my dream career path in computers and networks and fixing electronics and whatnot. It may sound easy and fun but it's definitely not easy to learn. It's a little fun I'll admit :P So since the start of February I've been in and out of meetings and filling out paperwork and making phone calls and finding old stuff that's been stashed away that I need now. The final details should be sorted out on Monday so I'll be skippidy doo dah following that. Unfortunately that means no more long nights spent in apathy and lethargy, yet surprisingly, sobriety. If you don't like those elitist synonyms, it means no more nights sitting on my ass because I don't feel like doing anything else, even drinking rum and watching failblog. We've also managed to pick up another dog, a grey poodle (not miniature). It was one of dad's friend's dog, but due to events we've begun to take care of him. (Nothing to do with abuse) Hooray for more **** on the lawn :D But seriously he's a good dog. I suppose now I don't have to think too much of the future until I have the present sorted out, and there's a lot to sort out aside from the job. Gotta do another course thingy but I've done most of it already from last year so that's only going to take up 6 hours a week for a semester. Anyway, time to stop the blog from becoming a tl;dr subject. Have a lovely however many months before I make another blog peoples. We've only just begun, to live, white lace and promises, a kiss for luck and we're on our way... Chubbs > The Carpenters.

Shovelling out more **** about me.

It takes me a ridiculous amount of time to write these tagged things. Okay... Number one I guess is easy. 1. I spent the past 14 hours reading every popular article on all the way back to 2007, it was loltastic and filled with fun facts. I've already forgotten most of it. 2. My car needs repairs again. 3. The last actual contact with friends that I had was on October 2, also the last time I sent a text message to a friend. 4. I frequently open up the Windows Live Messenger home window thingy just to see who's on with no intention of talking to them. Frequently is every 3-7 minutes. 5. My average sleep on class days is 3 hours at the moment, and 4-5 hours on non-class days. 6. I developed a recent addiction to Fallout 2, explaining my absence from GS and bad sleeping habits. 7. I bought a pair of shoes a couple of weeks ago, bringing the grand total to 4. 8. The new shoes were long-overdue since my old skate shoes cost about 30 bucks and were involved in a lawnmower incident which could have been much worse (about 6 months ago). 9. I find adding random ingredients to some alcohol makes it taste better. (i.e. Coka-Cola, Southern Comfort and lime cordial with a tad of steak sauce for good measure.) **Disclaimer** I was not drunk when I did this. 10. *List of bad things to do when driving that I have done* a) Not sleep for 2 days b) Drift in public areas (usually not intentional, damn bad rear tires and wet roads) c) Changing time on watch d) Tie shoes e) Film things f) Photography g) Look guys, no hands! (Scarring a friend for life) h) Be a magnet for other bad drivers i) Knock on another car's window while driving alongside it By the way I've never come close to having an accident. (By my standards anyway, I guess I've scared the **** out of some people so they'd say close but meh) There you have it. Point is, don't drive with me unless there is an adult present, I'm a perfect driver with parents around, but still doesn't stop people from driving through an intersection 1 second before I reach it. Hmm time to tag some banned people... Blackrytonite Slorg_King the_ish

Tiem for a blog?

What have I done lately? Not much really :P Err in August, went down to Penrith for state band championships once again and won that again, so basically we've won our division 4 times in a row now at state. Following that was a ton of nothing I suppose, did a few musical shows, sight read some expert+ Metallica on GH: Metallica. Friends bought a place in town so I've been there getting drunk more than a few times and there were some crazy times to be had, none of which are appropriate for GS. Built my dad a computer in class, it's pretty much a beast.  So that brings us to this week I guess, well it was my birthday and I got some money pretty much. Bought the new Batman game, and Crysis, which the new comp maxes without any trouble. Batman's awesome and looks great in 1080p. Mark Hamill ****'s all over Heath Ledger as the joker. Played some stuff for a friend's year 11 music exam with 1 day's notice, wasn't too bad, I find just chilling when I play drums now to be really relaxing no matter what the music is, and it seems to sound better to me. That's about it I guess.

Ahh ****

There's a bunch of blogs that are deciding not to show up on the list, so that's probably why I may not be commenting on them all. I's sorry. My arm hurts, people made me play Run to the Hills on RB2 expert drums a few times among other things, I think after a day of practice I could probably almost FC it. Same with most of the stuff on GH: Metallica :P I want to try Expert+ but the guy doesn't have a double jack for the 2 kicks. And yes I know it's different to real drumming, I actually hate the setup in GH/RB >_> Of course I still would never play those games by myself when I have a real kit and piano downstairs.

Been/Being Busy

I've had about 8 assessments to finish in 2 weeks between playing games so yer, that's my absence explained. Hope to have them done tomorrow. About 6 of them have been 1-2000 word reports, FUN!!!! I'm going mentally insane right now :D:D:D:D:D:D:?