I just haven't met that many people who don't like one or the other or both when it comes to those two games multiplayer. They have pretty much every style to play, and the most games going on.
Single player was the only reason why I play IW COD games. Their mutliplayer is fair at best. It's quite boring after 1st prestige, but if you don't enjoy it do not force yourself to like it, I did the same thing with Halo 3(and COD4) and it just made more disappointed.
i don't think FPS are your cup of tea. Those are the 2 biggest ones, and the 2 most played MP's. To the OP you have to find the right game for you. Don't get frustrated if you die alot at the begging you just have to get it down a bit. I don't find it gets boring at all. It's all personal preference.
...Really? What's with all the people saying Gears, Fallout 3 and Dead Space are WAY bloodier.monkeymoose5000
Ya chainsawing people into 2, blowing their heads off, sticking them with grenades and blowing them to pieces. There bodies still gush blood when you walk into them. That is pretty tame stuff. Good call on Dead Space though. Don't agree with Fallout though. its no where near gears or dead space or mad world or god of war.
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