Personally I think this movie got srysly miss casted, and not because shes flat chested has many idiots keep pointing out, but I srysly don't feel it with Alicia Vikander as Lara, from all I'v seen she seems forced and uncomfortable in it, even Angelina Jolie's Lara felt allot more natural to the role.
Then theres a trailer with cringe worthy dialog in it.... Lets see how it goes with this one, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
I'm just curious to why, the gaming sites are holding onto the review of this game, its been a week, more then enough time to properly do a review, then theres the excess coverage this game is getting, and its not just GameSpot its everywhere, every site I go into I'm just blasted with all this stories about Destiny 2 its numbing. I'm not criticizing the game, I'm criticizing the gaming websites for all of this. Personalty I'm getting Destiny on PC as soon has it comes out, just hope it doesn't break my expectations like the Division did, that game was such a let down.
Well was completely oblivious to this game but after seeing some gameplay I'm actually gonna buy it seems quite interesting, also agree with some they should just make it available tro their site. Stil this is good publicity...
Srysly 6h? I haven't played 4 yet but my biggest complain about 3 was it was way way too short, 6h is just not even worth my money, I'll buy this in a year or 2, has good as it is, I would never pay full price for a 6h game is just ridiculous.
Theres a massive mistake on this news, its not Shadow of War that is on sale let alone for that price, its Shadow of Morder GotY. With that out of the way there are a few great games to buy that are obscenely cheap.
You can't even buy the games digitally its kinda of absurd if you think about it, only physical copy if you can find it, witch is a retarded move I think EA would be better off releasing remastered editions of these games, Id sure buy that.
@jcharp: The best games are those that give you something you weren't expecting or didn't even know you needed. =) They just need to figure that out, and this game doesn't even look like they are trying.
@NiteX: Not that young my 1st NFS was Porche Unleashed for the Ps1, I'm 29, but only got a PS1 in 99 =(, still really liked that game and Gran Turismo.
404FredNotFound's comments