lol, trust me, warranty does not exist in Argentina, if i try to send the machine to microsoft, the 360 will disappear (mail corruption yay!, anything goes here). I could try, hell, ill send some mails and read some faqs at, it's not like i have something to lose at this point, but in the end, if i want to play halo 3, bioshock (for **** sake, i buyed the limited edition of bioshock last week, the box is even sealed yet), i'll have to get a new 360, maybe an elite, if ONE could buy a 360 WITH the falcon chips (NO more overheat for christ sake), then, i would buy it asap, but, if you buy a 360 now, you'll know it will die eventually, i'm not going to buy a ps3 either (no games?, no money) and wii is... wii, lol, i rather play xbox 1 or ps2. It's pretty damn sad, believe me, if for you guys is painfull, for 3rd world contries gamers that must pay 4 times plus the price of the console without local warranties, is ONE HELL OF A LOT of pain. i would love to buy a new 360 right now and keep playing gears of war, but, no promises of "no more" red lights, and no warranty here, thus, outsiders of microsoft plan (brazil and chile have official 360's, Argentine does not, you want one here?, you got to import)
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