O yeah, I read about that guy who got his money back. He didn't have a problem with all the killing and racisim.... hmmmmmm..... credibility... redacted.
Says the guy who could never figure out the "story" part of making a game.
We all know that we played Just Cause 2 for the story.
I think the reallllll problem is that maybe we should consider what the story will be before we make the game instead of just shoe horning that bad boy in there.
I thought 4 should have been 3 and that reach should have never existed. Would leave a few plot holes though. I guess Reach could have just stayed a literary novel......
Not really looking forward to this Destiny thing to be honest. It's almost as if Bungie sold Halo (as part of that Microsoft contract to 343 studios) and then was like..... we need to make a game that takes place in the Halo universe but, not call it Halo and add some crazy plot devices like giant floating MOONS over earths from SPAAAAACEEEEEEEEE! SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Good point. I'm absolutely not trying to take away from the fact that it pioneered online gaming in the console realm but, I'm talking to more of the gameplay it provided. It just got a little stale after 2 for me.
Yes and No. At the time of its release the first Halo was ground breaking for the console environment. If Goldeneye for the N64 demonstrated that a first person shooter could in fact be done on a home console. Halo demonstrated that they could be done very well.
However, IMO I think the franchise has overstayed its welcome. After the first one, I don't really feel like the series evolved that much. Sure, it had some visual improvements and a few gameplay tweaks but, the core code has been there since the beginning. If the game industry has "battle fatigued" its consumers in any way, this has been one of those franchises to do so.
You mean the one that is so convoluted near the end that the only way to salvage it is through the use of a series of Deus Ex Machinas. Yea, I guess your right it does hurt a little bit trying to figure out why so many people think it is SPECTACULAR! .... o... and ARMA 3 bro.... Arma 3.
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