the body would absorb the medecin faster then normal so a spoon full of sugar mixed with medecin can have the same efect as alcohole mixed with medecin don try it it can kill you
some idiot in a mitsubishi nerly hit me so i slid of the rode so i speede ahead of him (i was driveing an old marcedes made totaly out of steel) and when i was infront of him i slamd the brakes totaly ****ing up his hood,cooler front bumper lights anf part of the engin.... i dident get a scratch on my car but he still had to pay me cos it looked like it was his fault
i'm a big kid, but i'm working on things. and i'm not doing it for anybody else's benefit. growing up, my mom forced me to go on diet after diet with her, and it never worked a. cuz they were stupid diets and b. because I wasn't in it for myself. Now I am. I'm eating more fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, working out more, etc. I have no desire to be skinny though. I just wanna get my weight down enough so that I don't have to worry about having a heart attack when I'm 25 or somethingjacintos09
thats good m8! try eating smalerportions of food but more often like eat 4 times a day insted of 2 times or 3 as long as it is less food and try geting protein and no karbs. running and bikeing 300-700 kalories every day is really efecktiv
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