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The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Conclusion

OK. So in closing, if you have been reading all of the 15 Parts that we went through, then you should most likely know by now that the Israelites/Egyptians were a "Black" people during the Biblical Times, not a "White" people. The Bible and History proves as such. The Ancient Israelites had to look exactly like the Ancient Egyptians in order for it to be very difficult to tell them apart physically. If the Ancient Israelites looked like today's Mexicans, Joseph's brothers could indeed tell him apart from the Ancient Egyptians. If the Ancient Israelites looked like today's Arabs, Pharoah could indeed tell baby Moses apart from the Ancient Egyptians. If the Ancient Israelites looked like today's Thai people, that Greek could tell the apostle Paul apart from the Ancient Egyptians. But as we went through Parts 1-15, it was not as such. The Ancient Israelites were actually a "Black" people with wooly/bushy hair just like the Ancient Egyptians were. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Samson, King David, King Solomon, the Messiah, and Paul were all a "Black" people during the Biblical Times.

So, just because we know that the Ancient Israelites (from Old to New Testament of the Bible) were a "Black" people, does that answer the question of who and where are the Israelites today? ...No, not really. Because there are 2 major problems with just simply knowing that the Ancient Israelites were a "Black" people:

1. We don't even know if the Israelites today still look like true "Black" people or not. Because the Ancient Israelites did a lot of mixing with other people ("races") when they were in their captivities. And when they did that, they could have lost the intensity of their original skin color etc like what happened to the Ancient Egyptians.

2. If the Israelites today still indeed look like true "Black" people, that still doesn't help. Because do y'all know how many "Black" people there are in the World? A lot y'all. A lot:

- There are "Black" people in the continent of Africa (Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, etc).

- There are "Black" people in the continent of North America (Canada, Mexico, United States).

- There are "Black" people in the continent of South America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, etc).

- There are "Black" people in the continent of the Caribbean (Bahamas, Hati, Jamaica, etc).

- There are "Black" people in the continent of Europe (Italy, Spain, United Kingdon, etc).

- There are "Black" people in the continent of Asia (China, Japan, Korea, etc).

So to think that ALL "Black" people around the World are the Israelites from the Bible today is incorrect.

That is why we must go deeper into the passages of the Bible to find how to exactly pinpoint where the Israelites are today. And we will do just that. I need a break though:roll: We will continue in a new series called "The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Know"...sometime in the month of March of next year. But until then, you can study Parts 1-15.

So this is where we discuss what we've learnt so far about the Ancient Israelites. After going through Parts 1-15, do y'all have any questions, comments, or concerns for me? I hope it's not harsh or anything:oops:

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 15

OK. Now we are on the very last part concerning what the topic has been about all along: "What did theAncient/Biblical Israelites look like in physical appearence?" After this Part, there will be a "Semi-Conclusion" Blog. So, let's get down to it. At the end of Part 14, I said we would see what a Bible scholar had said concerning how the Ancient Isralelites looked physically, and that is just what we will do.

All right. There was this Bible scholar called "Dr. Mark Goodacre" on a BBC produced program in 2001 (10 years ago). The Program was called "THE COMPLETE JESUS". Dr. Mark Goodacre stated, it would have been hard for the Messiah to hide among the Egyptians if he didn't look like the Egyptians. He was making the point that the Messiah could not have been a man of "white" hue. He admitted in the program that the Messiah was indeed a dark/"black" skinned man. This is what Dr. Mark Goodacre looked like: HERE. There should be some more pictures out there of him, but I couldn't find any.

Here is his exact quote from the program entitled "The Complete Jesus":
"Now it's very unlikely that Jesus would have been able to be HIDDEN in Egypt, if he had a very different color of SKIN from the people in Egypt."

He also made mention that the Israelites of the 1st to 3rd Centuries (during the time of the New Testament of the Bible)wore their hair in Afros, and wore short crop black beards (I guess the dreadlocks the Ancient Israelites used to wear was getting a little "old" then I guess LOL).

Hey, but didn't we discussed that very same issue also in Part 11, about how the Messiah and his family was hiding in Egypt? Yes we did. We also talked about how the Apostle Paul (another Israelite) was thought to be an Egyptian.

By the way, I found 2 interesting pictures that y'all should see: HERE and HERE. They supposedly suppose to be a temple drawing found in Egypt. It's suppose to be the Ancient Israelites going through slavery at the time of the Book of Exodus. See their skin color? Now I am not entirely sure that those drawings are really the Ancient Israelites suffering through slavery. But the reason I showed y'all those 2 pictures is because it is very possible that they could be. They could be...

Well, that is it now. I hope y'all enjoyed going through the Bible with me during this 15 Part "Series"to find some shocking truths in there. I enjoyed it though. In the next Blog, we will do a closing of the topic: "What did the Ancient/Biblical Israelites look like in physical appearence?" The next Blog called "The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Semi-Conclusion" will be the closing, and there we will talk so I can see if y'all have any comments/questions, etc for me. Until next time, peace y'all;)

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 14

OK. Now we are on Part 14; continuing to see some shocking historical documents explaining the fact that the Ancient Egyptians were indeed a "Black" people. This Part will be the last part talking about the Ancient Egyptians. Well, let's get down to it.

There was this Ancient Greek historian called "Herodotus", who visited Egypt in the 5th century B.C.E. He saw the Egyptians face to face and described them as "black-skinned with woolly hair."

Here is a bust/sculpture head of what Herodotus looked like: HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Also, there was this Anthropologist called "Count Constatin de Volney" (1727-1820) who spoke about the race of the Egyptians that produced the Pharaohs. He later paid tribute to Herodotus' discovery when he said:

The ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native born Africans. That being so, we can see how their blood mixed for several centuries with that of the Romans and Greeks, must have lost the intensity of it's original color, while retaining none the less the imprint of it's original mold. We can even state as a general principle that the face (referring to The Sphinx) is a kind of monument able, in many cases, to attest to or shed light on historical evidence on the origins of the people."

Now when he said in his statement: "That being so, we can see how their blood mixed for several centuries with that of the Romans and Greeks, must have lost the intensity of it's original color, while retaining none the less the imprint of it's original mold." He was referring to how the Ancient Egyptians' descendents looked different in his time and in THIS day in age because they mixed with a "White" people (the Romans and Greeks) for hundreds of years. If you search on the Internet for what the Ancient Egyptians' descendents look like NOW, you will see how they don't look like the Ancient Egyptian pictures/statues/monuments thousands of years agolike I showed y'allin previous parts.

Continuing on, the fact that the ancient Egyptians were "black-skinned" prompted Volney to make the following statement:

"What a subject for meditation, just think that the race of black men today our slaves and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, science and even the use of our speech."

By the way, I remember watching this old Superman Cartoon episode called "The Mummy Strikes" when I was a little boy. Y'all should see it, not only because it is entertaining, but because they show you the truth of what the Ancient Egyptians looked like. Y'all can see the episode HERE. It is only around 8 Minutes long, enjoy. But, make sure you watch it AFTER you finish reading this Blog.

Also,have y'all ever seen Michael Jackson's Music Video called "Remember The Time"? Well, if you haven't, y'all can see it HERE. Michael Jackson (Rest In Peace) had all these "Black" people portray the Ancient Egyptians because HE also knew the truth that the Ancient Egyptians were a "Black" people. It is only a little over 9 Minutes long, enjoy.But make sure you watch it AFTER you finish reading this Blog. In that video, it was like Michael Jackson was asking the world: "Remember The Time when the Egyptians were a 'Black' people...?"

Overall, the testimony of the ancients, the Bible, and many Egyptologists, along with archaeology confirms that the Egyptians during the Biblical Times were indeed a "black" people. Well, that's all for now concerning the Ancient Egyptians. In Part 15, we will see a quote from a Bible Scholar who understood that the Ancient/Biblical Israelites had to have been a "Black" people after recalling a passage from the Bible. Until next time, peace;)

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 13

OK. For the last 12 Parts, we went through a lot of passages in the Bible to discover how the Ancient Israelites were indeed a "Black" people. And we saw some ancient pictures/statues of the Ancient Egyptians. Now, we will go through some historical documents from the historians. And we will see the exact words that they said. For Parts 13 and 14, we will go through historical documents concerning how the historians knew for a fact that the Ancient Egyptians were a "Black" people. Parts 13 and 14 will be concerning the Ancient Egyptians. Then Part 15 will be about concerning the Ancient Israelites. Then after Part 15, there will be "Semi-Conclusion" Blog.

Well...let's get down to it. I most likely won't be doing much talking on this Blog because the quotes below explains themselves. Now when y'all see these quotes from these historians, it is real. I am not making this up.

Gerald Masseywas a English writer and author of the book entitled: "Egypt the Light of the World." This is what he wrote, "The dignity is so ancient that the insignia of the Pharaoh evidently belonged to the time when Egyptians wore nothing but the girdle of the Negro." (pg. 251)

Here is the next one below:

Sir Richard Francis Burton, a 19th century English explorer, writer and linguist in 1883 wrote to Gerald Masseyreplying to what he previously said, "You are quite right about the "AFRICAN" origin of the Egyptians. I have 100 human skulls to prove it."

The last one below:

Scientist, R. T. Prittchett, states in his book entitled: "The Natural History of Man", "In their complex and many of the complexions and in physical peculiarities the Egyptians were an "AFRICAN" race (p 124-125).

Y'all see those quotes above? Actual people in history knew the truth that the Ancient Egyptians were a "Black" people, not a "White" people. Since the Ancient Egyptians were a "African" people ("race") as described by the historians, the Ancient Israelites had to have been a "African" people ("race") too because after all, the Biblical Israelites were mistaken for other "Black" people too a total of 7 times. We will stop right here for now and continue in Part 14. Until next time, peace y'all;)

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 12

OK. Now we are onto just one more passage from the Bible. And let me tell you, once you see this passage, y'all probably won't even believe that it is in there. ...I think that this is the last "Part" where we will be going through the Bible to find out what the Ancient Israelites looked like. This passage right here will most definitely be the "Grand Finale" describing what the Ancient Israelites looked like. After seeing this passage... there can be no debate about it, it can't get any clearer how the Israelites looked during the Biblical Times. Well... let's go ahead and start, we will just go through 1 passage this time...it'll be short.

Well...here is the passage: Lam 5:10. During this time, the Israelites were in bad shape (other people were ruling over them in their land, and the Israelites had to serve them) all because they were not faithful to the Almighty. Now a Israelite prophet called "Jeremiah" was witnessing and describing his people's sad condition. And...here is what it says:

10 Our skin was black like an oven

Hold on. Let's stop right there. First, can y'all believe that something like that is actually in the Bible? I know I couldn't before. Jeremiah here was describing how dark him and people's skin had gotten. And he say's "like an oven." If you look at the bottom of any used oven, you'll see how "black" it looks right? Now continuing on, why was Jeremiah and his people's skin so "black" that it was the color of an oven?

because of the terrible famine.

Because of a terrible famine y'all. Jeremiah and his people's skin had turned unnaturally dark like an oven because they were in a famine. Now if y'all have seen in the news over the years about the condition in the continent of Africa, y'all see how dark most of them lookin their condition? HERE, HERE, and HERE are some examples of people in Africa in a "famine."Y'all see how dark they are?

Now when "White" people are in a famine, their skin doesn't get "black like an oven", it becomes the opposite: "white as snow." When "White" people are in a famine their skin becomes really pale, not dark. For example, when the Jews were suffering by that evil Adolf Hitler in those Concentration Camps over 60 years ago they were in a famine. HERE and HERE are what they looked like. Do you see their skin look "black like an oven." No, they look the opposite; they look "white as snow" and pale. Why didn't their skin turn "black like an oven" like the Ancient Israelites did in the Bible? How come?

Well, we will stop right here for now. We are done going through the Bible to find out how the Ancient Israelites looked like. In the next part we will go through historial documents to see how the Ancient Isarelites/Ancient Egyptians were described by the ancient historians. Until next time, peace y'all;)

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 11

Egyptians/Ethiopians, etc. Well... let's go ahead and get started. We will go through 3 passages in the Bible: Amo 9:7, Mat 2:13, Acts 21:38-39. Let's now begin with Amo 9:7. Here is what it says:

7 Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith "the LORD". Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?

Look at the first set of words. Now why would the Creator call the Israelites the Ethiopians? Why would our Maker compare the Ancient Israelites to the Ancient Ethiopians? Is it because those people looked very similar in appearence, it is possible.

Now let's go to Mat 2:13 (The New Testament). Now during this time, the King of Israel, the Messiah, the Creator's beloved Son, the Savior of the World was now just born. And the ruler of Jerusalem king Herod would soon know that the Messiah was born and he would have him killed (kind of similar to how Pharoah tried to exterminate the Israelites in the Book of Exodus), so the Almighty sent one of his angels to tell the Messiah's parents what to do to save the baby's life. Here is what Mat 2:13 says:

13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of "the Lord" appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.

During this time, Egypt was not ruled by the Egyptians anymore, the Greeks (or Romans) had taken over, sothe Egyptians were now "citizens" in their own country. Now why did the angel tell Joseph and his family to escape and hide in Egypt?Remember what I said before in the beginning: "It was almost impossible to tell an Israelite from an Egyptian?" So was that the reason the Almighty had Joseph and his family hide there? Yes it was, very clever huh? King Herod was looking to kill the baby Messiah for a lot of reasons, and the Almighty for sure wasn't going to allow that to happen. So they had them hide in Egypt with other "Black" people to blend in to look like just another "Egyptian citizen." Now if Joseph, Mary, and the Messiah were "White," (like we were all led to believe) they could nothave hidden in Egypt, right?

Now let us go over one more passage before we close out this part: Acts 21:37-39. This passage is about an Israelite apostle named "Paul" who had a conversation with a Greek man. Here is what it says:

37 And as Paul was to be led into the castle, he said unto the chief captain, May I speak unto thee? Who said, Canst thou speak Greek? 38 Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers? 39 But Paul said, I am a man which am aIsraelite of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.

(Now the word "Jew" is not suppose to be there because the Ancient Israelites were never called "Jews," or"Israelis", the proper word should be "Israelite") See, Paul (an Israelite) was clearly mistaken for an Egyptian by a Greek. That is yet another time where an Ancient Israelite was thought to be a "Black" Egyptian. Ever since we started in Part 1, we have seen a total of 6 times that has happened: Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, and 11. And the Ancient Israelites were called "Ethiopians" by the Almighty... and that makes a total of 7 times the Ancient Israelites were mistaken for other "Black" people.

We will stop right here for now and continue later in the next part where we will go through at least 1 more shocking passage in the Bible where the Ancient Israelites were clearly being described as a "Black" people. Until next time, peace.

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 10

OK. Now we are on Part 10. And uh... I think there are just 2 passages left on the "Hair" topic. Yeah... I think so. I have more passages I could go over...but I don't think they are as major as these 2 that we are about to go over.

Well, let's go ahead and get started. We will go over 2 passages on this part: Sol 5:11 (Song of Solomon) and Eze 8:3. Now Song of Solomon is a book basically about love between a young Israelite man named "Solomon" and his girlfriend/fiance. Solomon and his girlfriend are basically just singing songs about their love. Just think of it like one of those Disney movies where the people having a love interest for each other singing a song. Like for example, the scene in The Lion King where the "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" song is sung (sort of) by Simba and Nala. Like in the movie Aladdin where Aladdin and Jasmine sing the "A Whole New World" song together in the scene where they were riding the magic carpet along side each other. Solomon and his girlfriend/fiance were singing together like them. Now let's see what Sol 5:11 says. Here, Solomon's girlfriend/fiance was describing her boyfriend/fiance in a song. Now here's what it says:

11 His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven.

Y'all see that? This young woman right here was describing Solomon's locks (remember "dreadlocks") as being "bushy." What did she mean by "bushy?" What does "bushy" mean? The word "bushy" when describing hair means "thick." Solomon had thick-looking dreadlocks. This guy's hair right HEREseems to be like how Solomon's girlfriend/fiance described him. Then notice the next words "and black as a raven." She was describing Solomon's hair as being "bushy and black." Most "Black" people around the world have those 2 combinations: "black and bushy hair." See, once again, the Bible is describing the Ancient Israelites as looking like today's "Blacks" around the world...

Now let's go over one more passage, and we are finish with the "hair" topic. Let's go to Eze 8:3. Here, an Israelite was taken from Earth to recieve great visions from the Almighty. Here is how the Israelite (Ezekiel) describes the situation:

3 And he put forth the form of an hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of "God" to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy.

Notice again, this is another Ancient Israelite described as having their hair as "locks" (dreadlocks)... I guess most of the Ancient Israelites had their hair in locks (dreadlocks) since it is mentioned a lot concerning them. We will stop right here for now, and this was all for the "hair texture" topic. Now in the next part, we will discuss once again in some more passages how the Ancient Israelites were called other people ("races") that were "Black" such as the Egyptians/Ethiopians. Until next time, peace.

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 9

OK. Now we are on a new topic on the Ancient Israelites:

The Hair Texture on the Ancient Israelites

The reason I'm going through the Ancient Israelites' hair texture now is so that we can fully go through what they looked like during the Biblical Times. Well let's start. We will begin with Num 6:5, and then some other passages. Here is what Num 6:5 says:

5 All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come upon his head: until the days be fulfilled, in the which he separateth himself unto "the LORD", he shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow.

Notice the words: "locks of the hair of his head grow?" Now what does the Bible mean when it says "locks?" Does it mean the kind of hair of what we call now "Dreadlocks?" Notice in Wikipedia, that Dreadlocks is also known as "Locks" in the definition just like the Bible says. Dreadlocks are the kind ofhairthat are most used on people from the Caribbean, like the Jamaicans for example. So, the Ancient Israelites had locks (dreadlocks) for their way of their hair They must have looked like people like these: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Now "White" people can naturally grow dreadlocks if they had kinky/wooly hair, but it is extremely rare for one to actually have that type of hair.

Now lets go to 2 more passages: Jdg 16:13 and Jdg 16:19. Here is the story of a Israelite man named "Samson." Samson was a man who had incredible strength like the Thing from the Fantastic 4. But what gave him his strength was kind of funny: HIS HAIR. As long as he never cut/shave his hair (including his facial hair), he would stay incredibly strong. Now he had a woman who desperately wanted to know the secret to his strength from him, but he would not tell her. Well, let's go ahead and start with Jdg 16:13. Here's what it says:

13 And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web.

Notice the Bible says that Samson had a kind ofhair called "locks" (dreadlocks) too. Now...their have been Bible movies/Bible cartoons made out there where the person who portrays Samson has long straight hair and shaven beards. HERE is one for example. See the man on the left, see how long and straight his hair is, see his shaved beard? That isn't truthful to how the Bible describles Samson. The Bible says Samson had "seven locks" (dreadlocks). Where are the locks on the guy portraying Samson? Why is his beard shaved? Not only did they not have a "Black" actor portraying Samson, but they didn't even at least have the guy wear dreadlocks. These 2 guys HERE and HERE most correctly fit to how the Bible describes Samson.

Before we end this part, let's go on to Jdg 16:19 like I said. During this time, the woman asked Samson so many times for his secret that he eventually told her. And what she did to him after she heard his secret was terrible. OK here's what it says:

19 And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.

See, the Bible once again describes Samson as having locks as his kind of hair. We will stop right here for now and continue later. Until next time, peace.

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 8

OK. This part will bethe closing of the whole leprousy topic talked about in the Bible. We will go through 2 passages: Num 12:9-10 and 2Kin 5:27 like I said before. And after that, that'll be it for the whole leprousy issue. Well...let's get down to it. We will start with Num 12:9-10.

Now during this time, the Israelites are still travelling through the Wilderness (Desert). And after some time, Aaron (Moses' brother) and Miriam (Moses' sister) saw how Moses was married to an Ethiopian woman... and they basically didn't like that. Y'all know, it was one of those situations, where a people ("race") wouldn't like their people ("race") mixing with other people ("races"). Aaron and Miriam was like that. Now Aaron and Miriam didn't necessarily like Moses' wife because she was "Black" woman, (remember: the Israelites were a "Black" people too like the Bible describes them) but because Moses' wife (and her Ethiopian people) had a different culture than the Israelites. So Aaron and Miriam started talking about them because of that. The way Aaron and Miriam was acting made our Creator a little angry at them. Now when the Bible calls our Creator "LORD" or "God", I will put them in quotation marks because our Creator was never called by titles such as "LORD" or "God" in the Biblical Times. Our Creator was known by proper and good titles, but it wasn't "LORD" or "God." That's awhole different topic though. Let's start with Num 12:9-10 now. Here is what it says:

9 And the anger of "the LORD" was kindled against them; and he departed. 10 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.

The Almighty saw how Miriam didn't like Moses' Ethiopian wife, and he could have made her look "Black" like the Ethiopian woman, but Miriam already looked "Black", so he made her look "White" instead (the exact opposite of what her skin color already was). I bet when Aaron first saw his sister Miriam leprous, he was like "AHHHH!!!!" LOL. Because he never saw anything like that happen to anybody. The Almighty made Miriam look like this young girl HERE. If Miriam already looked "White", Verse 10 wouldn't make sense, correct? But since we now know how the Ancient Israelites looked, it makes a lot more sense doesn't it?

Now let's go to 1 more passage about leprousy (vitiligo) in 2Kin 5:27. Leprousy happened to an Israelite man called "Naaman." I don't know if Naaman was an Israelite king or not, but I know he was struck with leprousy (vitiligo) also LOL. Here is what it says:

27 The leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee, and unto thy seed for ever. And he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow.

Here is another passage, where an Israelite person was struck with leprousy and it made him look "white as snow." I don't think I need to keep repeating the same thing over and over.

So...that was the end of the whole "leprousy" topic. We are finished with that now, but in the next parts we will go through how the Israelites' hair texture was like. Did these "Black-skinned" Israelites have "curly hair," "kinky hair," "straight hair," or "wavy hair?" These questions will be answered by the Bible in Part 9.

The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 7

OK. In Part 6 we talked about how "leprousy" was first introduced on Moses in Exo 4:6-7 and how leprousy in the Ancient Times was basically a skin disease that as known today as "Vitiligo." Now we will go through more cases in the Bible where the skin disease leprousy (vitiligo) was involved. We will go through: Lev 13:4-6, Lev 13:28, Num 12:9-10, and lastly 2Kin 5:27. I originally wanted to include all of those passages in Part 6, but I didn't know I would cover so much. I hope I can include them all in Part 7.

Well, let's start. Now to Lev 13:4-6. During this time the Most High, our Creator, the Almighty, our Heavenly Father had already brought the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. Now he's brought them into the wilderness (desert). By the way, if the Ancient Israelites were "White-skinned" like the whole world believes, do you think that their skin could endure all that scorching heat...? And they've been traveling in that wilderness (desert) for like 40 years too... Anyway, during this time the Almighty in Lev 13:4-6 was explaining to the Israelites what to do if an Israelite had the skin disease of leprousy (vitiligo). Here's what it says:

4 If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight be not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days: 5 And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague in his sight be at a stay, and the plague spread not in the skin; then the priest shall shut him up seven days more: 6 And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague be somewhat dark, and the plague spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is but a scab: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

Look at verse 6: And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague be somewhat dark, and the plague spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is but a scab: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean. See, it says "if the plague (disease) be somewhat DARK and the plague (disease) spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean." When it says "pronounce him clean," it basically means that the man/woman is "normal" again. See, it says that if their skin was DARK, then they were normal. Y'all see, it was "normal" if their skin was dark again because that was their natural skin color...

Let's go to Lev 13:28. It says this: 28 And if the bright spot stay in his place, and spread not in the skin, but it be somewhat dark; it is a rising of the burning, and the priest shall pronounce him clean: for it is an inflammation of the burning.

Basically, this is yet another verse where it says that "if the skin is DARK, then he/she is clean (normal)." Once again, it was normal for their skin to be "dark" because again, that was their natural skin color anyways.

Well, we will stop right here for now. We will indeed finish the leprousy (vitiligo) topic in Part 8 with 2 last passages. Until next time, peace.