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Pokemon Platinum Playing Day 2

This is my second day playing Pokemon Platinum if you count the few hours last night. It is highly addictive. Let me re-phrase that: It is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY addictive!!!!! I love it so much!!!! I am training my Pokemon right now instead of trying to beat the game (but I will eventually). I just beat the first gym leader Roake (I am not sure if I spelled that correctly). Yeah my starter is Chimchar (yep cause fire is the best!!!) and he is only level 21 or 22 (I forgot cause of my bad memory haha lol). I am at Eterna City right now. My team is pretty balanced and I will tell you the team probably tomorrow (tomorrow cause my bad memory again lol). I will post a blog about my adventure everyday or so. The only difference for the first part is that there is patches of snow beacuse of a portal that is where you meet Dialga or Palkia in Diamond and Pearl (I think) and the "how to get to something" is different. It is like in Diamond and Pearl you have to battle 3 people to get somewhere but in platinum you have to battle 2 people (it not exactly the people it is just a little different that I can't explain). Yeah it is a lot more fun to be back with pokemon if you now what I mean (once you beat the game you have to wait for a new one).

Yeah so spring break for me is starting Wednesday! Yippie! I am VERY happy! :D I can't wait! But there is some tests tomorrow and Tuesday (my mean teacher gave me a test on monday. I HATE my teacher :evil: ). :( I can't wait for break!

I got Pokemon Platinum today!!! + Do you really want the Nintendo DSi?

I got Pokemon Platinum today! I didn't open it yet (I will probably open it after I post this blog and post another blog how it is tomorrow). It's nothing great, just new pokemon and a continuation of Diamond and Pearl. And did you see the commercial? It looks soo cool! I'm am very happy today because I got Pokemon Platinum and it is Saturday! My favorite day of the week! Yippie! Hooray! :D :D :D :D :D And I got a clear picture of the English Cover off the internet!

Do you really want the new Nintendo DSi? I heard that you can trade you old DS Lite for the new DSi and only pay $70. The DSi is about 12% thinner (2.6 mm) than the old DS Lite, but slightly longer. It has two 0.3 megapixel digital cameras; one is on the outer shell of the DSi and one inside (looking at the person playing the DSi). It has larger screens and better speakers. The power switch has been swithed back to the power button which is located next to the touch screen (in the bottom left). And now it uses a 840mAh battery. It has improved its portability by removing the GBA game slot. That is bad for the people who want the play gba games or for the people with Guitar Hero: On Tour for DS and can't play the game (And I have that game). It is making me angry!:evil: Now there is a SD card slot in the DSi to store the pictures and other stuff. It has WiFi to connect to the DS Shop (like the Wii Shop basicly). There is more information at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_DSi

This is my opinion: DO NOT GET THIS. This is a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME! This is basicly a psp in ds form with a touch screen. They should put a joystick on it because it is a lot easier to move like what they did to the psp (which I have). There is not even a GBA Slot! That sucks! It is not a DS anymore! The whole plan for the DS is for to play DS games and GBA games without switching consoles! Not just to make it then break it in half and copy the psp and have WiFi! DO NOT GET IT. Unless you are willing to pay the price.

But I am probably going to get it anyway :P

Got my Report Card! A+++

Yea so I got my report card. Straight As! That is NO lie. You can call me a nerd (which I probably am). I didn't do really good just all As and A+s. School is great. Homework takes me until 11 or 12 at night. It rained in my area today. I HATE the weather today. HATE IT!:evil: I just like the comforting sunny days, with a friendly cool breeze to cool me off. Ahhh...it makes me soo relaxed. Did you do good in your report card? Did you get it yet? Comment about it.

Do you want to know how to post blog comments in color? + update

My internet is back on!!! I am VERY VERY happy!!! :D :D :D Thank you internet guy! You helped a lot. Yea so my internet is back on and tomorrow Friday, my favorite weekday! Don't you just love Friday nights? Yep. I'm back on Gamespot! I will try to be online everyday or at the least one week. And it is almost spring break! Hooray! Yippie! :D :D :D :D :D Now I am even MORE happy. School is fun but the homework is a pain in the butt. Yea butt: b-u-t-t. School. Hate it. People pretty much go to school for these reasons: 1. To see their friends. 2. To learn(who does that) or 3. To bully someone. I am not a bully but you got to say that there are at least 1 bully each school. Bullying is a BAD thing. DO NOT DO IT. hahaha...I think I'm getting off the topic a little bit so...Do you want to learn how to post color comments in people's blogs? Just message me or comment below. It is so much fun to be like fastesttruck! So... I'm bored. But still happy. :D :D :D :D :D VERY VERY Happy.

Okay. That is ALL I have to say.

Pokemon Platinum

I couldn't find a clear english cover so I got this lol. :D

What do you think about it? I think it is pretty cool. I'll try to get it soon. My friend has it and he says it is awesome.

I got cod5 (Call of Duty: World at War)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is really fun. i have it for ps3 and nazi zombies is crazy! I bought the map pack so i have verrukt. you should get it cause it is totally worth it. I have been playing for only a few weeks now so i am only level 54.

My psn is: bakitako.

weird name right? whatever. add me.

I'm Back! Happy New Year!

I am all busy with school so I couldn't get back on GameSpot.

Well, Happy New Year!

Did You have a Merry Christmas? What was your favorite present? Your worst?

I'm just posting this blog just to tell you I'm back. I'll try to come here each week.

See ya! :D