Because we are not talking about SMG 2. We are talking about Mario (how ever many games he has been in now.) One, I am a XBOX 360 owner. But, that doesn't mean I don't want to see new ideas coming out in the gaming community. Miyamoto has the ability to create something different that could be just as good (if not better by now) than Mario. It doesn't compare to Gears of War because that is only the second game in that universe. Mario has done everthing.... I don't know how to finish that.
7even's forum posts
A sequal. Why doesn't he make a completely different game all together. And while he is at he, why not put Mario aside for a second. No offense to Mario or anything, but some variety would be great. I am glad that he has been able to stand the test of time and everything, but I think the old boy needs some rest. Maybe a new game with a different character. Maybe something orginal.
I just think it will be sad if the best games on the wii all have mario in them. I know I am being a little harsh. The wii has other original good games. I mean, look at Zelda and Metriod.......
I am just kidding, but I do wish a new and original game would come out. Perferable one that does have Mario, Link, or Samus.
This was supposed to be the XBox 360's "great white hope" as far as RPGs were concerned. Leaving aside that there was always going to be a superior PC port down the line, this is still not the best RPG in the world. Edge, Eurogamer and Gamespot all agree on this point.
This is not the RPG of the generation. That accolade will go to Dragon Age, Final Fantasy 13 or another one. This is just a pretty good RPG with a few issues. Just like eternal sonata
What's to say that Final Fantasy 13 won't get a bad score, on gamespot at least. In my opinion, the series has been slipping lately.I am not going to get into the whole Final Fantasy/Mass Effect debate. It is stupid to compare a game that just came out to a series as long and well known as Final Fantasy.
You make all these claims about Mass Effect but, I assume, you have not played the game.You try and validate your claims by using three sources. I could go find a dozen others that say the opposite. In your first post, you made Mass Effect out to be the worst game ever made, but then claim that you weren't saying it was a bad game. Heck, looking at that list of faults, I wouldn't touch a game like that with a ten foot pole.
Also, don't say thata PC version will be better like it is a knock on the 360. I would surely hopea PC version would be better with the extra time they would haveon it. I am always happy to debate games with people but not when the person hasn't even touched the game. Once again, I am assuming you have not.
"However, the Mako's turret, for whatever reason, can't move up or down."
That's factually wrong, because you can move the thing up, down, left, right, everywhere. I'm not even sure how he missed that. It's a big deal too because the stuff with the Mako vehicle is the main reason he knocked the game down.
I am glad someone else noticed that. I was disappointed when I read that on the review, but when I played the first mission using the Mako, I had no problem using the turret's. Only thing I could figure was that he was trying to shoot while going down a steep mountain side. That is the only time the turret didn't work for me, and I really didn't expect it to work.
First, Have you played the game. If not, then you need to before you repeat what others are saying.
The main quest would only be 12 hours if you played on easy and tried to beat it as quick as possible. Anyone who is just playing the game for fun get much more out of it. I am at around 30 hours myself and have only complete two of the main mission planets.
I don't know what people are talking about when they complain about framerate. Maybe I got a super version or something but my game runs just fine. I still haven't figure out was Gamespot was talking about.
The AI isn't that bad if you know how to control them. It is all about micro-management.
Side missions was fine with me. Maybe I am just easy to please.
I don't know why people keep bring these problems up. Maybe that only exsist on some of the game or on bad Xbox 360's. Sometimes I just think people bring up problems they read about like they experianced them first hand.
Yeah, I understand you don't like dying in water when you can survive huge falls by landing in a hay stack. It is kind of silly but the fact is that it is there.I don't like howSolidSnakecould hideunder a cardboard boxor a table and avoid guards.Kind of makes you worry about the quality of henchmen. I also thought that it wasstupid thatno one cared in GTA if you walked if arocket launcher or a sniperrifle.(I may be wrong about that. It has been awhile since I played it.) The point is, every game has things in it that don't make sense. Sometimes you may have to ignore it if you want to enjoy the game.
Also, the point of the game is to be somewhat sneaking. That is why they made the guards chase you so easily. You are an assassin after all. I don't think the game is bad. I just don't think it is for you.
You need to shut up and quit whining about it. It is your own fault for buying the game, so don't complain about gamespots review. Whoever reviewed must have really liked it. Does that mean that you will like it? No it doesn't. I personally did not like God of War. I though it was way too easy and didn't offer much of a challenge. I on the other hand, didn't buy it based off gamespot reviews. I played it at a friends house so I could see if I would enjoy it. Do you know why I didn't buy it? The answer is because I readreviews on the game from other sitesand saw that the play style might not be to my liking. It wasn't that hard to do and saved me money.
You complain about dying in water. That is a reasonable complaint to an extent. It is kind of annoying but doesn't destroy the game. Since playing the game, I have died in water only twice. First time because I didn't know it would kill me, and the second was because I wasn't paying attention and made a bad jump. The water isn't that big of a deal. I just think you wanted something to cry about. It is not like it chases you or anything. It is just there. Be careful when you are around it and I doubt you will fall in.
About the hobos. They are there for a reason and you figured it about pretty quick. They get in your way and push you. You cry because that kills you. Here is an idea, why don't you punch them or something. If you are worried about alerting guards, you just figured outthe other reasonthe hobos (I actually thought they were mentally challenged) are in the game. They are just like the beggars and jar carriers. They add an extra element of difficulty that must be dealt with. If you keep dying because of them, maybe you need to try a different approach.
Also, about the jumping being bad. They only time I have problems with jumping it when I try going at full speed. That is when I usually end up making bad jumps. Other than that, I am good. I don't know why you think it is bad. Maybe you are just trying to go too fast or make jumps that are too long. Beats me.
I understand what system wars is and I have never been offended by people dissing a game. I actually think it is quite funny some times. I personally don't join in myself, but I like reading what other people have to say. It was just my opinion. I guess your right though, people get on here to act like complete idiot and whine and complain whenthey don't get there way. Or, posting something completely pointless such as "Wall of text".
I get on the forum because I enjoy reading what people have to say about games. I think it is great when I can find people discussing a game and how good they think it is or how bad they think it will be based on the information they have been able to find. It is cool how people debate and makes bets on what score a game will get. And when the game comes out, one side has a period of "ownage" that the other side must accept. Then the process starts over. But lately, this board has been filled with too come crap for that to happen in a way that is enjoyable.
Now before I go on, I will say that I own only a XBox 360 so I guess it makes me a lemming to some on you. I don't really show loyalty to any system and I am not really biased when it comes to scoring them. You can choose to judge me on that if you want, but it is not really the point.
Recently, things have reached a new low here at system wars. It has been happening for awhile now but has only gotten worse with the release of Halo 3. It got a score of 9.5 and it was sent people into a hissy fit. I see more thread on this forum about how bad Halo 3 is or how gamespot was paid off for the score or how the Halo 3 disc detroys XBox's, which I personally think it happening from people playing it too long. The thing that bothers me though, and I could be wrong but I doubt I am, is that most of the people doing the complaining never had the intention of playing the game in the first place. They just can't stand to see the 360 with a well scored game. So they search sites until they find one with a rating they like and claim that it holds the true score while all the other sites are lying. A stupid arguement if you ask me.
Now this doesn't only apply to Halo 3 or 360 games. It goes for all systems. Argue, debate, have some fun, claim or take the ownage, and then let it go. In the end, it doesn't really matter what score a game got. If you aren't going to play it anyways, it shouldn't bother you if it scores high. If you do play it and love it, it shouldn't bother you if it scores low. Take that or leave it as you will.
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