oh and to gamespot can you do a 10 things that makes the 360 a gameconsole and not pc oriented machine running under windows and a 10 things that proves that the games on the wii are also for hardcore gamer and that the controller is really that revolutionnary
they said sony is back this week what the f.... ? they where gone ? this is just like 2001 2002 era with ps2 (lowest power ( costing as much as xbox )), gamecube n xbox... but u know the end of the story, right... people are freaking out because in the end their living room is going to include a ps3 anyway u can sort any reason or arguments on why the ps2 n ps1 too suceeded and why this is not the same context right here n stuff... but at 120 000 000 units n still counting, with ~ 25 000 000 unit each for the rest it only shows whats going to happen deja vu
what the heck, thats a fraud... ! theres nothing on these so called dx 10 pics that cant be done with dx9... theres a diff switching to dx 10.. but not that kind of diff... thats ridiculous
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