Sorry I haven't donea blog in SUCH a long time, but as you know I recently started high school and I NEVER have enough time to do anything on here! I remember the good ol' days when I was onthis site every day on forums, doing submissions and whatnot (OK, not that long ago, just during the summer but you know what I mean). Anyway, I have a 3-day weekend so I'll be on here more :).
So, I am just now getting into this show Supernatural. My best friend is totally in love with it and every time she comes over to my house, she brings her Season 1 DVD. lol And we watch at least one episode and I've never actually been interested in it. I mean Sam and Dean are hot, but I still never really got into it. But, this one day, I just felt like buying something with my allowance so I went to a store and found nada to buy. But, then I saw Supernatual S1 and was like "what the hell, I've seen it before, I'll buy it." And I watched like 3-4 episodes after that and I'm like "I LOVE THIS SHOW!!"... What? I can get into ashow really fast. 10 minutes into the Tru Calling pilot, and I'm already in love. lol TC's awesome!
And, I've also recently seen John Tucker Must Die (with Sophia Bush from One Tree Hill!), and it was FABULOUS!!! It was so frikkin' funny! Sophia did a great job in that movie too, she rocks!
Well, I would put down more of what I like and what I'm thinking but then, this would be the longest blog I've EVER written, so I'm done. But, first, I'm putting this couples thing that a lot ofpeople have on their blogs. Right here:
6 Ships you like:
1. Nathan and Haley (One Tree Hill)
2. Buffy and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
3. Lucas and Peyton (One Tree Hill)
4. David and Donna (Beverly Hills, 90210)
5. Leo and Piper (Charmed)
6. Wesley and Fred (Angel)
3 Ships you used to like but don't anymore:
7. Brooke and Lucas (One Tree Hill)
8. Brandon and Kelly (Beverly Hills, 90210)
9. Fred and Gunn (Angel)
3 Ships u cant stand:
10. Buffy and Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
11. Dylan and Kelly (Beverly Hills, 90210)
12. Piper and Dan (Charmed)
2 ships you're curious about but haven't started shipping yet:
13. Brooke and Mouth (One Tree Hill)
14. Brandon and Donna (Beverly Hills, 90210)
Why do you dislike #11 so much?
Who is someone you know that ships #13?
What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
I don't know. I like it just the way it is, and how they got there, and whatever else.:)
What is your favorite episode for couple #1? Pick one if you can!
Oh, wow. That is gonna be so hard to choose. Umm, I'll choose 3! :D
1. The Show Must Go On [When they renew their vows](322)
2. How Can You Be Sure? [They say 'I love you' for the first time] (119)
3. The Wind That Blew My Heart Away [Kiss in the rain, duh! That would also go for The Games That Play Us (122)] (313)
How long have you been following couple #6?
Ever since Wesley first said that he liked Fred. They are so cute together! Too bad they were only together for a short period of time. :(
What's the story with #8, what made you stop liking them or stop caring?
Well, I first started watching 90210 when S8 wasgoing on on SoapNet. I though that Brandon and Kellywere the cutest couple (besides David and Donna) until I started watching more of it in the earlier years andit turns out Kelly's not all that sweet; she can be a b***h at times and I just think Brandon can do better. The only part I like about them is their relationship, I just don't likethe girl in the relationship. (Does any of that make sense? lol)
Which ship do you prefer, #2 or #4?
I love them both! But, if I have to choose, I'd choose #4. I mean, I know that Bangel went through a lot and they had that 'forbidden love' thing going on, but David and Donna also went through a lot and they still ended up together. I mean they got married in the end, for crying out loud! Buffy and Angel couldn't overcome those obstacles they went through so they didn't end up together.
You have the power to have one ship non-existent, choose #10 or #12:
#12. I didn't get the point of that relationship, it was just blah to me. Well, maybe the point was showing that Piper and Leo are meant for each other, but it just got in the way of them being together. And I also just plain hate Dan. I'd choose them being non-existent over Spuffy any day. Even thoughI hate Spuffy, they had theirmoments.
What interests you about #14?
The little moments they had (like some in S2) just makes me think they could've made a cute couple that could've gone on for maybe a half a season. I know the thought of Brandon and Donna together seems weird, but it's just my opinion.
Why did you stop liking #7?
I like Leyton better.:) I don't hate Brucas, but they never really trusted each other, you know? Lucas and Peyton trust each other.
Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?
Of course not! I wouldn't stop watching an awesome show like Angel just because Fred and Gunn didn't work out! Pfft!
What song makes you think of #5?
Maybe a lot of lovey-dovey songs, songs that only talk about love, I don't know.
Which of these ships do you love the most?
Pretty much a tie between Naley and Leyton.
Which of those ships do u dislike the most?
I'll have to go with Dylan and Kelly. I think Dylan's brainless because he cheated on Brenda, the love of his life, with Kelly, one of the biggest b*tches on the show? That really confuses me, doesn't that just confuse you? And he chose Kelly over Brenda, Brenda who was going out with him for like a year-and-a-half or so. Dylan's just plain dumb!
If you could have any of these couples double date, who would it be?
Buffyand Angeland Lucas and Peyton! LOL That would be so weird, I know, that's why I picked them! :D
Have #2 kissed yet?
Did #4 have a happy ending?
Yup! They got married! YAYY!!!
What would make you start shipping #13?
I've already started shipping them. I'm rooting for them to happen in S5! :)
If only one could happen, which would you choose, #2 or #6?
#6. Only because the way they ended could've been avoided if Fred didn't touch that iris or whatever that thing is calledon that stinkin' sarcophagus (however you spell it).
You have the power over the fate of #10, what happens to them?
They never see each other again. (Like I said, I don't like Spuffy)
Well, that's all! Long blog!
Bye-bye! :D:D:D
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