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Are Chrono Trigger GraphicsOoutdated?

Disclaimer: This isn't a review!

Well clearly this popular RPG from Squaresoft (now SquareEnix) is old enough to be almost considered outdated. Chronot Trigger made a grateful return to current hardware such as the DS and a few smart devices.

I took the time to play the DS version. As much as I like playing Chrono Trigger, I thought the graphics doesn't seem to be holding well

I do think the visuals does present the 90s feels, such as the great greenland and bright oceans, the Nintendo SNES mode 6 presentation and if you get ahead, the gaint interiors which are greatly lit up, setting the mood of the great power behind those walls in which Chrono and his team faces.

I did enjoy the update of training a monster in the DS version, I thought that was worth while.

I think all these idea are great but I strongly believe Pixal Art has already been esbilished and I think it's beginning to show. With content such as Habbo Hotel (yes, it's not a game) and it's being an art form now,I think Chrono Trigger should be one title to be remaked for current generations systems to show off HD and Anime and the reason why I think Chrono Trigger s

Stop One Line Adverts For Titles!

'Hey you haven't played Warhammer? You should go out their and buy the game!'

Having good drawing skill myself, I usually play games just to see how they made the graphics. I'm sure EVERYONE has their reasons to buy and play a video game but I dislike it when someone sprays one liners on the forum and doesn't say WHY the other person should recommend someone buying a game in the first place and I'm going to ask why because I have my own reasons on visiting Gamespot!

I clocked on when someone pasted that to me and I thought..huh? I know what Warhammer is and seen the board sets at the Games Workshop. I'm not interested in buying the video game but I don't want to destory someone hope or interests and pester people not to play it and I don't want to even ASK why, since why I leave them alone!

Jackass Isn't Bad!

I didn't really care however it didn't mean it stopped me from buying it. I think this game takes the stars of Jackass to new heights however I do feel bad hurting the characters of the show. I think there should be another game that does all the same things, this game does but allows us to make our own characters and put them in multiplayer attack mode or something.

I like the culture America puts out. I'm talking about the free technical folks that do whatever they like and they put some risk into it (e.g. stakeboarding). I like that.

The game does have replay value however after finsihing the game, it's gets played out.

VG Collections: Why Not To Care!

Did those high score encourage people to work and pay for games to make a collection?

I think collecting games has it's limited and I reached mine.

I think it was back in the 1980s arcades encouraged gamers to collect as much points as they can. I think some gamers took that idea and applied it to how many titles they can put in their collection in there rooms and it's been stuck every since.

I think that era of mass collecting has already ended and this was back in the early 2001. Playstation 2 was around and popularizing the console race (thus smashing the Dreamcast out), it allowed Sony to create a more better and cost effective development kits for developers, thus allowing them to more as much games as they possibly can. Thus making it harder for ANYONE to collect every title for one console.

What could happen is that someone now a days could collect a series and make something out of that. Let's say someone wants to collect the PS2 Need for Speed Series or SSX

PS2 RPGs is almost impossible but someone's already done it and to think they played each one amazes me.

This is worth noting because developers were bleeding the hardware and actually making good games. I like what I see but there is a limit for all of this and that is when to stop playing. I'm not saying stop playing games. I just want to cut down and make gaming simpler for myself and I plan not to have a powerful computer that takes me a minute to load Team Fortness 2.

It's something I learnt about the Neo Geo. It was a niche Arcade hardware but decided to go on sale for the home, selling carts for hundreds and SNK bleeded the machine with games such as Garou: Mark of the Wolves, SNK vs Capcom Chaos and King of Fighters 2003. It goes to show how much developers love what they do.

I noticed this alot. Atlus did this with the PS2 as they created Persona 4. Now it's the most talked about RPG in Japan considering that the game was made last generation.

For me, I'll should take a PSP or DS and play that instead, because it's more lightweight and doesn't take as much time to load games or just choose one game and stick with it. I'm going to play the previous titles on the PS2 until I get bored (which there somethings that I am) and sell it or keep it in my collection or another time. I bought Jackass: The Game this week and I'm actually loving it.

Backward compliabiity and virtual emulation is maybe the best solution as it keeps this games availible in which people would play. It would mean that I would stack those games which I've bought in a package in a box somewhere and put it in the attic for safe keeping until something comes up. That's what I did with some of the pass PS2 games because I've played them until I got bored. I've got PS2 games that are 10 years old that I've kept and they're not being touch and I don't really care.

Why NFS3 Hot Pursuit Should be Remade!

I think Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit for the PC needs to be remade. The 90s had wonderful hardware and as much as many of the mainstream titles being seen on virtual consoles and re-releases online, I found that it wouldn't be possible to just re-release Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit.

I've bought the Sold Out version, I found it awfully hell to try to run the program or even made it stable to run. I've tried for almost 3 years and I still haven't found a solution to make it stable and this is due to needing very rare hardware made from a company which went bankrupt in 1999, hence why anyone and I are unable to run the program.

I'm aware that Hot Pursuit 2 and The Hot Pursuit (2010) may be so good that anyone may forget about the first Hot Pursuit, I think this game represents the 90s and the remake should include everything from all the vehicles, tracks, soundtrack and etc and all blown up in HD.

I don't want the Playstation version of the remake as it's the less quaility version of the game. I want the PC remake.

My First Impressions of Sonic Generations

I really enjoyed playing the first few levels of Sonic Generations. The 90s nostogla feeling had returned. The feeling that you're playing a level or stage and these really cool mechanisms that Sonic uses to help him reach the end of the stage. They're all there and that's what brings those memories back.

I'm looking forward to completing the rest of the game. I also know game also has challenges which allows me to reply the rest of the stages in a different matter and with classic Sonic levels in the mix. I'm looking forward to completing the rest of the game.

How is Need for Speed World Online?

I've been playing Need for Speed World Online for a while. They're slowly releasing cars into World. So far there over 50 vehicles to choose from. I can see where this series is going however the customzation is very limited as players will find there hardly anything to choose from compared to Underground 1 and 2. This is something players wanted the most. Upgrading your vehicles with performance is confusing and you cannot sell the parts. I think it's because as an MMO, it's all universial and trying to be stats based however that means once the part it's installed, it there forever. If it's gets taken out, it's get sold instead and cannot be fitted into a different vehicle.

Recently they've added a vehicle with police lights, I think they're going to apply this with all the vehicles, so players can have them aswell or a Cops and Robbers mode could be underway, however this is just an opinion I have.

Trying hard to market Neptunia?

I found some website surely are.. I've noticed some website are blogging about it and are almost trying so hard that it's almost killing the subject itself, so I thought I'll join in the fun to attempt to kill the series (I never know thou, I think Neptunia games could improve).

I went onto this website and found this post.

How BIG? I went on the same website and I read the amazing news about Metal Gear Soild HD and Persona 4, I thought those projects were more liberal and open mind.

I read the Neptunia 'big' news and all I read is usually trend of getting it translated. I call fake on it being 'big'.

I was interested in Neptunia but it was just a game that climbed onto the hype and couldn't deliver. I've bought Hyperdemension Neptunia and traded it off, I thought that title was too extremely bad for the PS3. I'll understand if it were for the PSP thou and I've played Ar Tonelico Qoya and I think that game is tens time better then anything I've played on the Playstation 3. I know what I'm talking about when I see a group trying hard to their last drop to market something to the point it makes them almost desperate.

Letting go of the Dreamcast!

I'm not going too. I would say if the Dreamcast 2 was EVER going to get made, I would say it should at least play the original Dreamcast games. I'll doubt it will ever happen because it's already apparent that Sega is on the move of selling games on the XBox Live and PSN market place. Sega already marketed Sonic collection on the PS2 and etc. I think it just goes to show Sega is having their word on not re-entering the console market.

I'm seeing that world of Sega going every small thou compared to what I'm able to see again.

(I'm venting again!)

Weak European Dreamcast Game Packaging

I'm fully aware it's too late to post something like this but I would say venting it out would be best. I've re-examined my Dreamcast and all the games I have and one of the things I've noticed with that the packaging for the games chip easily at the hinges.

I'm in Europe, so I get those really bunky blue packaging for games, solely because, at the time, publishers had to market those games to other counties who spoke different langauges. I'm aware that Japan and the US get those in a form of a simple CD case. I'm talking about those annoying blue packages.

I'm aware that these packages are niche compared to what happened back in those days. I'm talking about the Playstation 2 library that just happened to have over 2,000 titles. (I don't want to imagine having 2,000 DVD cases of Playstation 2 titles on my shelf).

I'm stressing about this because as people would sell those games to the market, they would have to sell them in sometimes the condition the manufacters release them and it's really tough taking care of those packaging. I can't put 'Like New' on those can I?

I would say this is another reason for a call to make a Dreamcast 2 as I want to see Sega do something about that annoying packaging they designed and it's almost the reason I wouldn't want a Dreamcast here in Europe.