WTH did I just read? Yeah, so the sequels didn't live up to the first. BFD. I watched all three movies and I was entertained. Isn't that what movies are supposed to do? HTH can someone be so offended by a movie release? I find it hilarious that not one person criticizes the fact that none of the actors brought anything special to their roles other than what was necessary to complete the part. But you give that a pass but nitpick the mess out of everything else? Get over yourself.
Maybe I'm just too old for all the whining, which seems to be the greatest strength of people on the internet these days.
Will M4 be a let down? Probably. Will I go see it? You bet. Why? Because I expect to be entertained.
Much like Indy Jones and the Crystal Skull. Did it all live up to its predecessors? Nope. But I still watch it, because Indy entertains me.
@jadephoenix13: Technically the sentence indicates that a single Switch was granted to the plane, not the people. That being said, headlines don't really follow grammatical rules. "Man finds priceless coin, uses it in vending machine" as an example. Although wildly grammatically incorrect, it gets the point across. Something tells me you just wanted to criticize something today and you landed on this.
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