@itchyflop: @redalert539 The reason MS is proposing this is to prevent the customer from choosing the PS4 over the X1 just because the PS4 player base is larger and its MP games will have more packed servers. MS has a lot to gain from this while PS4 actually stands to lose that competitive advantage. Gamers on both sides have everything to gain by crossplay. As for me, I think it would great to have crossplay, but I'd like to have the ability to switch it on or off. That way, if PSN or XBL is running a little slow, then you won't have the issues in MP games where someone else's high ping is ruining it for everybody.
This is simply a decision that further iterates that gaming is for "fun", not just "achievement". Even though you might be invincible, I think a counter would be cool to show how much damage you took over the course of a level. Then a young gamer can keep replaying that level and try to lower that counter.
I myself believe in humility, so these kinds of comments annoy me. Good for him that he's found success but that doesn't mean he needs to elevate himself above others. Each and every one of us earns more money than someone. Doesn't mean it's okay to brag to those people of lesser fortune.
Just remember: If you appreciate this kind of "honesty", you might as well be endorsing Kim Kardashian's tweet about cashing her $80 million check from her mobile game. Or endorsing basically anything Kanye West says. Try that on for size.
93ChevyNut's comments