[QUOTE="AA7"]Recently, my outlook on gaming has been changing.
I have been gaming since the early nineties and have been loving games from every genre since then.
I play RPG's, FPS's, Adventure Games, RTS's, Puzzle Games, Casual Games, Anime Games, Sports Games.....and any other type of games you can name or imagine.
However, lately I have come to realize something very different about my gaming habits...
Now that my life is getting busier, being in second year University, girlfriend, friends, job....and so on and so fourth...
I have to carefully pick and choose what games I spend my spare time with, and I have (obviously) chose to play the AAA games.
COD4, Mass Effect, Uncharted, Halo 3, Mario Galaxy, Crysis, Orange Box, Rock Band, Professor Layton.....all games that are (at least in my opinion) AAA games.
And you know what.....I'm having a much better time than I ever did playing a mix of every game, by leaving out the crap.
Now, not to say there aren't AAA games that are also crap (to some people), and also not to say that there are lower rated games that arent better than alot of the critically acclaimed games, because there are many that are, but when I have to budget my time so very carefully, a few AAA games make me happier than a tone of crap.
So here is my question to you......
Would you be happier to give up the crap and go only AAA, or are you so desperate for games that you are willing to buy whatever comes your way?
Why are you acting as if you discovered gun powder? Everyone buys what interests them. Or did you force yourself to play crap games before? :|
If you are going to be a jerk, go away. You know what I mean. There are games we all play that are weak, but we play them anyway. Im not doing that anymore. If i dont love a game, im not going to play it.
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