No, I don't remember/Anna Ternheim *cute accent*
Hey, what's up gamespotters. My studies ended recently, so I needed something to do with all this extra time, and since I haven't done one of these in a while, I thought I'd do one. I actually started writing this at the end of May, and have just been slowing adding to it since then. I think this blog might be too long actually. So long, I had to split it up, because of gamespot's 20000 character limit. I'll give you a cookie if you read it.
I've really just been relaxing a lot this summer. Drove down the coast to Santa Cruz, where my friend got a little too drunk, ended up in a dress and then walked down to 711 to buy more alcohol. Other than that I haven't done much.
Also, I saw Inception with a friend the other night. We got there at 10pm hoping to see the 1030pm show, but the theater sold out. So, we decided to just buy tickets for the 1140 show and walk around the empty mall/theater for a couple hours. Nothing exciting to say about that, it was empty. Inception was pretty good though, I really enjoyed the story and set pieces. Sound design kicked much ass as well. Characters could have been more developed but whatever, everything else was so well done. I hella wanna see it again actually. The only other movie i've seen twice is...I can't remember, but i've only ever done it once, I know that.
Oh, by the way, I got a kitten. His name is Cooper. Here's some pics. :]
The rest are here.
Space Western
I've been watching the very awesome Firefly series again. For those who aren't familiar, It's this great mix between the sci-fi and western genre's, with a cast of characters that are the embodiment awesomeness and lovable. It's basically how I would design my heaven. Like all my favorite shows though, Firefly was killed off very early in it's life. ugggghhhh.
Anyways, Check it out. It's only 14 episodes, so it's not too much of a time sink. The movie Serenity compliments the series quite well too. (Both are on netflix instant watch by the way).
Captain Mal kicking some dude into Serenity's engine.
Saving Private Carmine
Save Clay Carmine!
Seriously, It's about time the Carmine family's luck changed. I want to see him kick some ****in' Locust ass. Look at this guy, Born 2 saw!
But if he does die, he needs to go out in the most epic way possible.
I just shot myself through knee deep seas of dead carcasses, passed through the shores of Hell, dove straight into Inferno and destroyed Hell itself with little more than a shotgun. On Ultra-Violence. B)
My boredom reached new heights last month when the first rain of the summer hit, so I decided to try out the Doom II demo on Xbox Live Arcade, and found myself addicted to it. This is my first time playing these games and i'm kind of surprised how much I am enjoying them. They're hella good, despite being old as hell (pun intended lawl). I'm currently playing Doom 3, and while it's good, I don't think it's as good as the previous two, mainly because it's a lot more claustrophobic. Not saying that's a bad thing, I just like the sty1e of Doom II a bit more. Shooting demons is still fun though, and it has it's somewhat scary moments when played under the right conditions (midnight, lights off, headphones on). It's doing a good job fulfilling my macho man fantasies while I wait for Gears of War 3. :]
Can't wait for Doom 4 now too. I'm ready to dive straight back into Inferno and kick some demon ass! There are some rumors floating around that it is going to be a lot more like Doom II as opposed to Doom 3, and that it's going to take full advantage of the current PC hardware. Crysis killer maybe? :O I'm hoping they show it at Quakecon next month. :]
Timesplitters 4?
I'm really craving a new Time Splitters game. I LOVE Timesplitters. The series is the definition of fun. In singleplayer you traveled through time, running around places like Siberia in 1990, Notre Dame in 1895, and, my favorite, Neo Tokyo in 2019, which had this really awesome Blade Runner vibe going on. Each place had it's own little narrative and characters that tied into the overall story, which I thought was cool, even though the story wasn't any good. As for multiplayer...all I really remember was being able to play as a Monkey, "Badass Cyborg", Bear, Zombie, Mob Boss, Undead Priest, and a huge variety of other ridiculous characters. So much awesome.
There aren't many over the top ridiculous shooters like TS anymore, and it's a shame. Not to mention TS's artsty1e would look awesome with CryEngine 3...well, anything would look good in CryEngine 3, but you know what I mean. Unfortunately, Crytek UK AKA Free Radical is currently busy developing the multiplayer portion of Crysis 2. Bummer. :[ I NEED MY FIX CRYTEK!
It's a beta ffs!
Yeh, it's kind of late to be talking about this now, but whatever. Bunch of my friends bought Halo ODST in order to get into the beta, so I followed along and bought ODST at $30, cause i'm an idiot. Oh and by the way, ODST honestly has one of the worst FPS campaigns i've ever played. The narrative structure is cool, but the gameplay is mind numbingly boring.
I gotta admit, I was pleasantly surprised by the beta. I haven't really had fun with a Halo game since Halo CE. They've just been really dull. Reach is just way more fun to play. The armor abilities make for some awesome twists to the gameplay and the guns all feel very fun to shoot, in part because of the kick ass sound design. They have this really visceral feeling to them. Also, level traversal is far more awesome than in past Halos as well, with sprint allowing for some ninja-like jumping around the level. I love ninja jumps, always a welcomed addition.
The beta wasn't perfect, some of the things are unbalanced, but that's to be expected since's a beta. Not a lot of kids seemed to understand this. It's a beta, you're suppose to be finding glitches by like reloading in weird places, the game isn't finished yet.
Also, Blood Gulch is returning. :] If they brought back death island that would be epic, especially with the new jetpacks. You cannot deny the potential for awesomeness there. Basically every CE map would be cool...yeh, ok, I'm still hella wet over Halo CE. So are you though.
Got rid of the Jet Engine.
I'm talking about my Xbox 360. That console was way too loud. I could not handle it any longer, so when MS announced the new S model with quieter fan and disc drive, I ran to the store and bought one. I broke the promise I made to myself to never shop at Gamestop ever again, but the trade in deal they had going on was too good to pass up. I got $155 for my old Xbox 360 + Controller + 20GB HDD. I only ended up paying around $150 for the new Xbox. That's about what I would have had to spend if my old out-of-warranty Xbox died on me for a 3rd time, which would have happened eventually. For some reason, I trust that this new Xbox will not die, which is pretty stupid considering Microsoft's past, but you know, maybe they've learned from their mistakes? I'm Hopeful. However, all that really matters right now is that thing is really quiet. New Xbox 360 is to quiet as Laura Vandervoort is to sexy. She's a good actress from what i've seen, not that into the shows she is in though.
I hate Kill cams.
I really do. Players don't even have to put any work into being a vindictive *** hole anymore. Now everyone just gets this nice little screenshot giving away the position of the guy who killed them. Bad Company 2 for example. I can guarantee you that if I snipe some guy's face off, 9 out of 10 times he's gonna run over to where I killed him from and try to get me back. 10 out of 10 times they get a bullet in their head. I got motion sensors, I know you're coming!
Truth is, Kill cams punish me for being a well hidden sniper. If the opposing team cannot figure out where I am without the use of kill cam, then either i'm playing the c1ass effectively, or they're blind. Most likely the earlier, because I'm practically a god at Battlefield games. Honestly, even when i'm the one in the sniper's crosshair, I'd rather not have the game show me where he is, because part of the fun is hunting down those pesky ass snipers with only a rough idea of where they shot you from.
**** killcams.
Crydiators - Trailer
I've been wishing for a non-shooter game from Crytek for quite a while now, and that wish was finally fulfilled. :] They announced "Codename Kingdoms" at MS's e3 conference, and unfortunately, exclusively for the Xbox 360. I'm a little bummed it won't be on PC, I mean, It's not like i'm going to go sob into my pillow and boycott Crytek over it. I really wanted to see the full power of Cryengine 3 unleashed on an ancient setting though! I'm sure it'll still look great though.
Anyways, I'm very interested to see what Crytek can do outside of the shooter realm. The imagery is pretty cool so far, heavily reminiscent of Gladiator or 300, both of which I loved. As for gameplay, I'm hoping for an action/adventure game with some down to earth combat, as opposed to something like Devil May Cry or God of War where you're defying gravity, jumping 4 stories into the air and juggling your opponents. Co op would be awesome as well, which is something I think the trailer kind of hints at by showing three characters. Don't disappoint me Crytek!
Portal 2 - Trailer
Do I really need to say anything? It's Portal minus the cake is a lie jokes. Just what everyone wanted. Looks like Valve is building upon Portal's gameplay mechanics in some pretty cool ways as well such as the Propulsion Gel that speeds you up as you slide across a surface coated with it. The puzzles look a lot more elaborate, which is always good. :]
Best of all they're adding a co op campaign. It's separate from the SP and you play as these two little robot guys, who i'm sure will have a ton of personality. Well, hopefully they aren't silent. Unfortunately, all my irl friends are getting this for the Xbox 360, and i'm not going to buy a Valve game on a ****ing console. C'mon. So, who's down to play some Portal 2 co op with me on PC a year from now!?
Start spreading the news... - Trailer
The Nanosuit has a new playground, the desolate streets and towering sky scrapers of post-alien invasion New York City, and looks wise, it's ****en beautiful. It doesn't look as good as the original Crysis, but then again, we've only been shown the 360 version. I expect the PC version to look hella better.
I'm still cautiously optimistic about whether or not the "I came, I saw, I conquered" sty1e of gameplay is executed as well as in the original. The level shown at E3 wasn't particularly large, which is disappointing, because part of what made Crysis great were the huge environments that allowed you to take a number of different paths. It took me a couple playthroughs before I discovered a lot of what Crysis had to offer. Like the sewer system under the Harbor on Assault, and the hidden side path in Onslaught that allowed me to easily flank the Koreans position. If they cut back on the options, then Crysis 2 will be a step backs compared to Crysis' evolutionary design. Crytek did say the level shown at E3 was a resized for the event. Guess i'll just have to wait and see. Also, I regret to inform you all, there will be no chickens in Crysis 2. :[
Aside from that, I liked what was shown. Sliding into cover and being able to pull yourself up onto ledges are great little additions. Aliens look a lot more fun to fight too. Oh! And the demo's atmosphere really stood out to me. It was top notch, It felt very threatening and desperate. Reminded me a lot of Cloverfield actually. Also, they totally destroy the "Maxlife" building and "New Central Station" in a matter of seconds. Total awesomeness.
Oh, just what we need, another first person shooter, bawww! - Trailer
Ok, yeh, i'll admit i'm getting a little bit of shooter fatigue (tiny bit), but Bulletstorm looks pretty damn awesome. It's all about comboing moves/weapons and killing your opponents in the most kick ass ways possible in order to earn skill points that you can spend on upgrades that allow you to kill your opponents in even more kick ass ways. That's how Epic explained it at at least. It looks like hella fun to play. The E3 demo had some completely stupid dialogue, but does that even matter? The right answer is no, because the gameplay and set-pieces look incredibly insane. I can't wait for this game.
CliffyB already has me sold by describing it as, "the Burnout of shooters, with a little bit of Duke Nukem, and a little bit of Firefly and Serenity on top." Hell yeh.
New Zelda looks like Zelda. - Trailer
It has this awesomely beautiful artsty1e though, it's almost like a nice mix between Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. I love it. The Wind Waker's art still hold the top spot in my heart. I am hoping that someday they do a console sequel to Wind Waker...or remake...whichever. I don't care what anybody says, sailing around and exploring the ocean in that game was hella chill. I don't want this to turn into me going on and on about how incredible Wind Waker was, but that's where it's headed, because if you couldn't tell already I love Wind Waker. I think it's the best 3D Zelda game. Ocarina of Time was cool too, but I can only play up to the water temple before I murder my N64. Yeh, I know, hating on the Water Temple when discussing OoT if kind of played out.
Anyways, i'm interested to hear some more on Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. Sounds like flight will be a form of transportation this time around, which sounds pretty cool to me.
I've actually had my eye on this game since the first trailer back in '07? Somewhere around there. Didn't really hear much about it after that which worried me since it looked really cool. They really only started talking about it again this year and it finally released it on XBLA this week, so I downloaded it, and played through it. It didn't take me long, it was only about 3-4 hours long, but I think that's just the right length for this type of game.
You play as this little boy in Limbo searching for his sister. The game doesn't really communicate this to you with words or text, and I only found that out by looking at the Limbo page on So, the game is set in Limbo, which is filled with all sorts of deadly environment puzzles and platforming. There's a lot trial and error involved, so you'll find yourself dieing fairly often in some very brutal ways; such as getting stabbed in the face by a giant ass spider, or being decapitated by a bear trap. This is never really a problem nor is it frustrating, because dieing isn't the end of the world in this game. You're in Limbo, so death only puts you right back in Limbo. There are definitely some puzzles that really require you to think, but I never found myself screaming in frustration.
Limbo's artsty1e is one of the most eye catching i've seen in a while, it creates this wonderfully depressing atmosphere, and despite the whole game being made of silhouettes, each new place you visit looks very distinct. The sound design is also really stand out, I think it's just as strong as the art direction. There's no music, just ambient noise accompanied by some very cool sound design. Especially the rain. Limbo has some awesome rain sounds. I leave the game on and fall asleep to it. Seriously.
There's been a bit of talk about whether or not the game is worth it's 15 dollar price tag, when you're only getting around 4 hours of gameplay at most, but I think it's definitely worth it, because the gameplay experience is just so awesome. It's a pretty cool game, check it out. I feel like doing a video walkthrough of this game...maybe w/ commentary =P.
New sig
Made a new Crysis 2 sig. Comments/suggestions? :]
I wanna use either of these two images in my next sig, because I like the composition. Which one should I use?
Well, that's it. I lied about the cookie. Sorry. I didn't lie about the hawt chicks though (unless you have a really strong hatred of airbrushed to hell models). You can find part 2 below.
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