@Lhomity Pretty much, except they have the ability to watch you too. Where on facebook, google and smartphones you have to initiate it.
I like it. The 360 controller has grown on me a lot. I look forward to testing it out.I like the name too, but not a fan of the aesthetics currently. Wish it looked different, but maybe it will grow on me.
@HonorOfGod WiiU> PS4, failware like the PS3. except for the rise in bro hardcore gamers raised on Mountain Dew. LOL.
@Nightrunner0007 I went through 3 Xbox 360's before giving up. I have never seen a system fail so often.
@thequickshooter So you rather use a virtual currency conversion system? Either way, you were converting currency.
@blackrunie The point is patent troll failed. The point of IP law is to encourage innovation, not trolling for law suits.
They have a million players each day? WTF? I play once and a while when my buddy wants me to, but there are so many other great and better games. This was not the Diablo I remember.
ACMC85's comments