Brand confusion and overpriced. Nintendo should have given it a new name and lowered the price. Maybe people who play and follow games know, but not everyone else.
Of course they are. Who else is going to pay $20 more to the developers? For something they would have included in the past. Its a different era now. This is a multi-billion dollar business run by the likes of Kotick. You should be milked and glad for it.
They can block them all they want. Heck they can block the new ones too. I rarely find any games they have released for the new consoles to justify $60. One of the few games i enjoyed on my 360 was Dead Island and they screwed me with that stupid save bug, that required me to get xbox live.
Wouldn't mind being able to buy a game second hand off steam. There are plenty of games, I finished playing and would like to sell myself. But, how would Steam factor this in? I think the real problem is keeping track of all that. Unless Steam gets some of the profits from selling.
@Albelnox0 Spoiled and bratty are fine by me, when I buy a system for that price and don't get to use anything on it. But, I think Nintendo has released some quality software in the last few months. I am going to get annoyed when I buy a promise and it is broken.
I feel it's BS, but it's their system. But, would I pay $60 for a game? Heck no. It's similar to steam, but at least steam is based on my account and I don't feel ripped off by them. Except for L4D, that was awful.
Not what the previous two were, but I recently went back to playing it again. Its decent, not $60 great, wish I didn't buy it at start, but I can play it once and a while.
ACMC85's comments