i cant understand why tf ppl defend gamestop like they dont anally rape u on every trade, and god forbid u actually want cash for a game. u'll get a whole $15-17 for a f'n $60 game that they will flip for $55. lmao come on man. oh well, everybody might as well bend over and grab yall ankles for the next 8-10 yrs. dnt forget to look back at gamestop and call em daddy while they r fckin u over
@A_Rabid_Dog @AD216 so far i've only seen multiplats but it is what it is, i'm sure theyll both have great exclusives. i just cringe everytime i think about paying 2 online fees
the funny thing is, if ms was to come out with a $199 w/ 2 yr xbl agreement at launch, half of these dumb ass fan boys would jump ship and nut ride the x1. as it is tho, i'm gettin both down the line after i see some damn games
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