call of duty the best shooter ever made period. rainbow six is great, halo a beast but c.o.d is a complete game. great online, great single player, great story, great gameplay. u cant beat that
AD216's forum posts
more of a story...i mean, theres stories occuring in the game...but it never feels epic...if i want to be evil i want it to affect the main quest and what my goal is in it.themain seems dissapointing andthe ending isone of themost boring about being able to addcharacter to your player,like maybe being able to select a voice at the start of the game?
in short...
-more of an epic main quest
-add voice to character and give him dialogue! have his voice and attitude effect how the cutscenes go
Well said dude, wow.. I really could not have said that better I fully agree yea i agree with that. the game needs to be a lot longer and more difficult. the whole story should be redone and u should be able to make yo own decisions. kinda like in jade empire.yea i know what u mean. its gettin sad but still zelda is a good-solid game and mario is average at bestBoth of them are going downhill IMO (yes, even if it hurts it'sMY OPINION)
I mean, LoZ TP wasn't as interesting as previous Zeldas and even WW was too easy for me... I don't recall dying when I played those games. Now, it's not like not-dying is a bad thing, but I get the feeling that it's getting blander with every new title. And well, we all know the news about that feature they recently patented.
Mario was one of my favourite series, but after a tons of spin-offs Nintendo is going for quantity over quality here. Agree'd SMG got GotY and I've yet to play it since I haven't got near a Wii but I just can't find it appealing anymore. Plus, I HATE how g@y he sounds now, makes me wanna punch him in the face tbh (no offense to g@ people here, seriously)
Again, all this IMO.
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