AD216's forum posts
i was devastated when mine went.I stopped caring for Nintendo when the N64 came out. My poor SNES died years ago. :cry:
what a coincidence, those r features the ps4 is proud of. oh and facebook :lol: everybody knows fb is almost dead.You can't rewind time Microsoft.
The horror of Television and Sports will not go away.
[QUOTE="Shewgenja"]Yeah. Wii U. Like three times. Look how well that turned out. that's because a turd will be a turd no matter how u dress it up. the wii u hardware is a pos (sorry nintendo) and the only way it couldve been successful was to have a great library. we're still waiting for that.Has a console ever needed a re-introduction before?! LOL
This is hilarity to the power of schadenfraude times infinity!
[QUOTE="AD216"]this top 50 alone kill that list. not to mention contra, madden, super techmo bowl, live, chrono, captain skyhawk, starfox.. ect. fps wasnt popular until 360 You are avoiding the issue. Also, FPS was always popular, it's consoles you are thinking about. :lol: i forgot to post the link :lol: but anyway, yea we r talking about consoles and i have not avoided any issue. i was showing u the games but forgot the link when i saw some idiot say the ps3 and 360 r the 2 best ever smh[QUOTE="Jakandsigz"] Arcade style games Shooters Adventure games FPS Wrpgs Simulators Quality sports Strategy just to name a few, but I could keep going.Jakandsigz
[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="Jakandsigz"] But it doesn't. It is weak in quite a few genres.Jakandsigzwhich genres would that be? Arcade style games Shooters Adventure games FPS Wrpgs Simulators Quality sports Strategy just to name a few, but I could keep going. this top 50 alone kill that list. not to mention contra, madden, super techmo bowl, live, chrono, captain skyhawk, starfox.. ect. fps wasnt popular until 360
"Guys the Xbone was a total dud... We need to copy everything from the PS4. That'll get everyone on our side!" I don't think it works that way ;)istuffedsunnyyea because it's not exactly the same as the policies they had on the 360 or anything like that. the ps4 came with these brand new ideas that has never been done before. ever. :lol:
Drop kinect, and I will buy day one, dumbsoft. Badoshlies. if they drop the price to $400 you'll get it with or without kinect
Every sixth generation home console (Gamecube, Xbox, Dreamcast, PS2) is miles ahead of Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and Wii. famicommandermiles ahead. besides xbl making online gaming relevant and the wii shocking the world, this gen will be far from memorable
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