look, i used to be a huge pokemon fan a long time ago. the game has not changed fundamentally in.... ever... I see what you mean, but why would they change the fundamentals? Hasn't the series continued to be very successful (as far as I know)? i understand the games have to be based on catching and leveling pokemon. but the turn based battling style is outdated imo. letting people take control of the pokemon and fight in real time would add a completely different level of strategy to the game[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="Blabadon"]Fixedstizzal13
AD216's forum posts
[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="Blabadon"]FixedBlabadonlook, i used to be a huge pokemon fan a long time ago. the game has not changed fundamentally in.... ever... Why would you say one thing only to contradict yourself in the next sentence? C'mon, that's Davekeeh level stupid right there. contradicted in what way?
[QUOTE="AD216"]>pokemon (stop enjoying what I haven't played!) BlabadonFixed look, i used to be a huge pokemon fan a long time ago. the game has not changed fundamentally in.... ever...
great people of sw, what r ur least anticipated games coming out over the next year?
- kh3 (i'm a grown ass man, what do i look like playing this game)
- cod ghost (unless they change up the mp)
- theif
- destiny (looks like halo jr)
- wwe 2k14 (does anyone still watch that trash)
- nba 2k14 (looks like nba 2k13.5 although that could change over the months)
- knack/drive club (you've seen them)
- donkey kong (shouldve been metroid)
- any game featuring luigi
- pokemon (they're all the damn same people, stop supporting that game)
with that said, wwe14 is the worst looking game i've seen in a while. it looks like a damn ps2 game. http://www.gamespot.com/features/an-ultimate-revelation-for-wwe-2k14-6411506/

Is there a reason that nobody ever spells this correctly? Like, some sort of inside joke I'm not aware of? Or are people not aware of very simple spelling conventions? i know i know. thief. i was rushing to finish this. dnt judge me :( lmao[QUOTE="AD216"]
- theif
[QUOTE="AD216"]I agree with you on COD, Knack, Drive Club, and Destiny. I lost interest in the COD series after MW, but I am not much of a mp kind of guy. Knack and Drive Club haven't sparked my interest one bit. Destiny doesn't move the needle either. As for some of the other games you listed, I look forward to the Donkey Kong game. It may be the game that convinces me to purchase a Wii U. As for Pokemon, I am not a fan, but you could say, "they're all the damn same," for about any series. So, that is mostly a foolish statement. lmao but they're literally the same exact game with different pokemon namesgreat people of sw, what r ur least anticipated games coming out over the next year?
- kh3 (i'm a grown ass man, what do i look like playing this game)
- cod ghost (unless they change up the mp)
- theif
- destiny (looks like halo jr)
- wwe 2k14 (does anyone still watch that trash)
- nba 2k14 (looks like nba 2k13.5 although that could change over the months)
- knack/drive club (you've seen them)
- donkey kong (shouldve been metroid)
- any game featuring luigi
- pokemon (they're all the damn same people, stop supporting that game)
with that said, wwe14 is the worst looking game i've seen in a while. it looks like a damn ps2 game. http://www.gamespot.com/features/an-ultimate-revelation-for-wwe-2k14-6411506/
me tooTitanfall (It looks like Call of Duty with Mechs and I got sick of Call of Duty with Modern Warfare)
This isn't biased at all.PonchoTacono biased at all
nintendo makes great first party games but they have been slacking this gen so far.Pretty much anything being made by activision, nintendo, ubisoft, and sqaure enix.
devs r struggling to make profits with rising cost of production. that's why so many r making mobile f2p games. because of used games we r about to end up with even more rehashes
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