smh these fanboys r idiots so dnt listen to them. wait it out but if u r worried about the online community go with x1. live is, was and always will be better than psn. if ur worried about graphics, games will probably look slightly better on ps4. we wont know until they r released.
AD216's forum posts
lmao somebody will be desperate enough at christmas time to give me double of what i paid. i hate being a test subject. i still cringe every time i see a red light (rrod)
stop posting on here. u a cool kid and all but we dnt care anymore
lmao rightit's not the droid i'm looking for.
i say the same thing. the fact that she's a character in a video game makes him a weirdo and the fact that she's only 14 and looks younger makes him a straight up pedaphile. it's no other explanationWell considering she is a fictional character that is 14 TC is obviously a pedophile
[QUOTE="godfather_1"]I am replying to the dumb comment you made, you stated that just because this thread has reached 17 pages, there are a lot of perverted people on this site. How can you judge a thread by the number of pages it has reached? I was not making a remark about the actual posts of this thread, that's a different story. I depends how you look at it, the fact is ellie looks like a 12 year old. If you're older than 16 and you get horny on that I say you need to see a shrink On the other hand I'm old ass thirty something, i can't look through the eyes of a teen, it's been too long agow :cry: exactly. 1. she's a video game character (which is already bad enough) 2. she's a LITTLE ASS KID! some of these dudes have issues that only a few years of therapy could help[QUOTE="AD216"] actually i was on this thread when it started if u were actually paying attention and there r more than a few people that have made arguments to why it's cool to have sex with that lil ass girl. see what happens when u jump to conclusions? next time u should actually pay attention to the thread before u comment on somebody's shitevildead6789
actually i was on this thread when it started if u were actually paying attention and there r more than a few people that have made arguments to why it's cool to have sex with that lil ass girl. see what happens when u jump to conclusions? next time u should actually pay attention to the thread before u comment on somebody's shit I am replying to the dumb comment you made, you stated that just because this thread has reached 17 pages, there are a lot of perverted people on this site. How can you judge a thread by the number of pages it has reached? I was not making a remark about the actual posts of this thread, that's a different story. lmao yo reply makes absolutely no sense. it only went 17 pages becuse people felt some kind of way about that lil girl. if everyone agreed that she was sexualized this wouldve died off by page 2 or 3. the only way it couldve ever hit 17 pages and that's if there was some back and forth going on between people on this site. not to mention i said its mire than a few oerverts on this site. so dnt twist my words into something they werent because u made urself look like a stupid a**[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="godfather_1"] If you actually read some of the replies people are making you will see that many are disagree with the statement that Ellie has been sexualised. A bit stupid to make a judgement of forum thread by the number of pages its reached.godfather_1
it has potential... i'll give it that much.
it's funny that everybody is getting all of this "insider info" from gamestop. u do know they can't and wont tell u how many preorders are on a game or a console. hell, they cant even tell u how many they have in stock. not to mention the fact that gs is supposedly sold out of both consoles. all this lying on the internet is a bad look for any and everybody that does it.
[QUOTE="AD216"]Not a lot. Try reading the replies, would you? i said more than a few. i never said it was a lot but its unnerving to see so many pedaphiles in one placewow. this actually turned into a 17 page post. how many perverted a** people be on this site? :?
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