game dosent suck...u guys prob dont like rap to begin so u automatically dont like the gamelil50centyea i agree i have the game and its good game the fighting engine is nice once u get the controls down and learn the beat to the songs you are using and it plays like fight night a little and the graphics are real good they just say it suck because its rap and its a different fighting engine
ADJ2K6's forum posts
I Vote we all Abandon GS and go to PSU.comUzburacuz9i agree that is a good site
Ridge Racer 7
Virtua Fighter 5
im getting motorstorm and tekken 5:dr this week and elder scrolls IV: oblivion next week
Yeah, & by 2009 everyone on this forum will have owned at least one 360 that went defective on them. Go figure... ColoradoKindBudlol agree i just had a 360 that went bad thats why i got a ps3
i had the same urge a few days ago so i traded the 360 with all my games for the ps3 and 2 games and im enjoying it so i say go ahead and pick one up
rainbow 6:vegas
wwe smackdown vs raw 2007
splinter cell double agent
lost planet
elder scrolls oblivion
college hoops 2k7
the godfather
rockstar table tennis
condemned:criminal origins
doom 3
star wars:kotor 2
half life 2
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