The game that has influenced me the most (our meant the most to me) is easily MGS. There are plenty of games that I have like more...and games that I think are better, but MGS at the time showed me something I had never seen in a game before. A little back story here; I got onto the PS1 ship late and was still heavy in the Genesis for a long time...When I first got my PS1 I bought MGS and it blew me away. I had never seen a game with so much story elements to it. A game with that much production value...all the voice overs and characters. It was the first game that made me really care about a video game character. I remember reloading that torture scene so many times becasue I couldn't let myself let down Meryl. Crazy! The game was just amazing to me and it still holds up perfectly imo. Though I like plenty of games more; MGS will always be the game that really showed me what this media could pull off and it all always will be.
I also won't to give a...runner-up Bioshock. To me that game is absolutely amazing. The narrative and the story are so above almost every game to me, but the real special thing about Bioshock is that it really is a work of art. The game is beautiful and has so many little details...They really went out of their way to think about every single thing in the game world. If anyone every question whether video games are art. You only need to show them Bioshock and if they still say that a game can't be art; then you'll know that they don't know what art really is...
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