GREAT for NOT having MP. It is refreshing to see some companies focused on creating great SP experiences. There are, already, a lot of new games coming out focused primarily on MP.
Flaws and all, this is a great experience any RPG gamer or Action Adventure gamer should experience. The game does so many things well that it is hard to overlook the flaws when they happen; but not bad enough to stop us from enjoying the experience. I look forward to seeing more of DD in the near future and, of course, a sequel.
Even with all rumors around, every company needs to bring their best guns last minute. Nintendo needs to show more than hardware to recapture the hardcore gamer's attention; a few demos of its new console capabilities will do the trick. Sony is in a very delicate position but has a robust line up to shield the shame. It will all depend on their approach and promises. Microsoft really needs to "shock" their audience with a meaty surprise. The usual suspects wont do the trick this time--compared to their competitors offers; and their console will go down as your new extended cable box and not a gaming vault. We have a few interesting days ahead.
It is SAD that wlhile fanboys are stuck in, "who's console is better than yours argument" Smart players, real gamers are simply enjoying the great stuff coming out to play. Halo 3 is a beautiful game. Anyone who played Halo before will know how far they've come from Halo: CE. The size of environments and the vistas in every level are down right beautiful and incredibly fun to play. There are so many great things about this game is hard to just sum it up. There is a reason why it broke all entertainment sale records! People know what they like.
AJRiley's comments