ANIALATOR136's forum posts
[QUOTE="Nephilim83"][QUOTE="JCMac120"]Wow I haven't heard anyone come on this forum and speak negatively about the demo...I already planned on getting the game, but this makes me want it that much more. :)Harry_BalzacYeah, I've heard negatives about almost every demo that comes out, but so far so good on this one. I'm actually starting to get excited!!!! (when you're married with 3 kids and a job you hate not much really does that for you) LOL Your speaking my language brother. I'm married with two kids, and I relate. The worst thing is though, my hated job does not pay enough, and with all expenses of a family, my gaming has gotten gimped and limited.....I'm starting to have to pick and choose what I'm getting, and cutting a lot of games I want out of the fray. Resident Evil 5 has been chopped, and now coming up I have to choose out of Virtua Tennis 3, inFamous, UFC, and a couple more due this month. I need to paint one of my kids black and sell it on ebay to Madonna or Branjelina lol made my day :)
[QUOTE="codezer0"][QUOTE="ANIALATOR136"]DS3 is so much easier on your hands. 360 controller is too fat IMONephilim83No it isn't. If anything, the ps3 controller is much worse because you can't keep a **** grip because of the stupid trigger thing they did for L2 and R2. Seriously, why the hell NOT have the trigger angle outward like it is on the 360, dreamcast, gamecube controllers? Or why even change it to a trigger at all if they were going to do that? Why not simply keep it as a button like it was for the PS1/2 controllers rather than **** it up as badly as they did? Hey, hey, hey.... None of that system war stuff here, friend. If you don't like the triggers search "sixaxis trigger extension" on eBay. They're ten bucks and they are AWESOME! They clip onto the trigger buttons to make them stick out at the bottom more like they should. I guarantee your fingers will never slip again. They clip on and off if you don't want them on there for someone who's not used to them, but when they're on they feel like they are made on there. You just have to experience to understand, but I suggest every PS3 shooter fan get a pair. It sucks Sony didn't implement such a design on their own, but this is the best (probably only) alternative. Hope that helps! Hey I have those Gioteck trigger attachments. They are fantastic! So much better than Sony's racing pedal styled triggers. Everyone should try them
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