This, This I like. F*ck pre-owned stuff and renting, you wanna harp and bitch about your love for games and how the industry is going down hill, buy a new game so the developer of said game can get paid for making it. I'd rather pay full price knowing a company I love gets some sort of financial kick back instead of gamestop getting my money so I can save $5. Deal with it.
@brianwm @AP3Xoblivion I'm stingy as hell with my money, which is why I choose one console over the other usually at launch. I'm hoping Sony is holding back some key indepth features for E3. It'd make my day if Microsoft announces, then Sony goes "Oh yeah, here's more." :-)
@brianwm @AP3Xoblivion I do agree younger gamers will enjoy the sharing. For me at 26 I'll enjoy the ease of a newer network and connecting with other friends I play with. Sony my be speaking hypothetically, but as history has shown, Sony doesn't usually pull a Microsoft and drop the ball hard. Smartglass is still a joke that could have been. I hated the PS3, but it did what Sony said it would to a T. I'm hoping they can again now that they actually have something I will enjoy. And the Network is shown uploading in Killzone, browsing through beofre the killzone demo began, and during DriveClub. The suck it is always peppered in when making a point. Sorry you cannot find the humor in it.
@brianwm @AP3Xoblivion ANd the network was show everytime during a transition or in the game footage. Judging by how it looks and was being used, yes I would enjoy that a lot. Suck it.
@brianwm @AP3Xoblivion No sh*t. Hence it is a "Press Release" to state the new ideas coming to the next system. I get that all the people complaining are so sad the didn't see the PS4 model yet, or tons of demos, this was to just say "Hey, yeah you were right we're releasing it, here are the ideas of what we're trying to accomplish." And seeing as how I agree and am excited for these new ideas, features, and think the architectural design is a fabulous idea then yes, I say it was a good conference and something that excited me. Sorry everyone else always needs more I guess?
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