I recently bought this monitor that has a HDMI 1080P input. I have been playing my Playstation 3 on it and although the screen is only 22 inches it is a nice affordable option for people who can't afford the 1080P televisions right now. This is only a good option if gaming is your main concern. It does not have a tv tuner card so you can not watch HD tv on it out of the box. However even after buying all the necessary electronics to watch HD tv on it, it will still be way cheaper than a good HD television. I have provided the link below in case any one else is interested. I can not stress enough that even though at screen sizes lower than 40 inches the benefits of 1080P vs 780P are generally lost, Blu-ray movies on this screen still look good. Just let me know if you have any more questions. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16824112005
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