i have the ****** n+ and it works very well for me i can play online the wife can browse the web and i dont miss a beat. maybe call ****** and make sure all the settings are correct.
First of all bro I come to the forums a couple of times a week to see what's happening in the gaming world and when I do see something that bothers me I say something, is the dude lying probably but who am I to judge I and who are you I guess you can walk on water huh calling me a troll and by the way I own all 3 systems and they all serve their purpose I have no loyalty to one I guess that's why I don't look at one being better than the others. You I'm not trying to judge or talk about you but you should take a chill pill and open your mind and stop falling for everything someone tell you and think on your own. And P.S. Get out your parents attic :)
I was over on the playstation forums when I ran across a person who said they smelled smoke coming from his PS3 he claims to look at the back of it and he saw fire (roll eyes). But that is not my point, my point is he went to the forum to ask if anybody had this happen to them and maybe 24 posts in they lock his thread. Know I know that people swear by Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo but come on a person can't ask or complain about you product that's BS. also of course people came running to defend what they think is the best thing since Jesus automatically thinks the kid is lying, which could be but don't assume well I am done my rant for the year. Every one game on
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