And if all of humanity descended from them then how come there are so many different races and forms of human beings? Is it scientifically possible?
Well I watched this pretty interesting show on discovery about the "scientific" adam. And he was african american. It is just your genes morphed so many times due to climate. You should check it out although I do not know the name.
Inorder to move faster you click the left stick and hold it then move in the way you want to go while still holding it. It gets much easier after doing it a few times =)
That is like $30-40 that all you do is build houses =D. That is the best part of the game right there. Or if someone knows of a game like this do tell. Thoughts?
Sorry if someone posted this within the 13 or so pages of bickering. But none of what you guys say will change the other's mind. me personally I believe in God just not how you guys believe it. =)
I hate metal gear solid 4. It is about the only action game i dont like. I dosent even deserve to have a score at all in my opinion. Gta iv deserves a 9 in my opinion. If you could motify you character and you cars and if they had a better clothes line, it woul deserve a 10.nikgamma
It is not really "meant" to be an action game. You could play it like that but it shines when played as a stealth game.
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